Results for "We The People"


    • The Strange Preacher

      Comment on "The Kin-Dom is at Hand!"

      ...s. To me the tragedy we are tending towards is profound and I just wish people would open their eyes but wit...w International Version (NIV) 9 For these are rebellious people, deceitful children, &n...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Comment on "The Kin-Dom is at Hand!" mercy. Even now it is not too late for this people to receive the word of heaven...uo;My Father has long dealt in mercy with this people. Generation after generation...e Judge of all the earth shall require of this people an accounting for the way the...

      • +50 more Comments


        • The Strange Preacher

          The Kin-Dom is at Hand!

          ...t rather for hearing the words of the LORD. 12"People will stagger from sea to sea...e righteous. They love deception, treachery, and corruption. This people were called to be a healing a...

          • Strange Preacher

            Next Generation Gospel

            ...cance the difficulty this presents to the forward motion of the gospel. People’s loyalties, once mobilised, are difficult to reset; especially is this so when people are locked into a tradition w...

          • +230 more Blogs


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            • Paul Kemp Administrator


              ...They began to sense how hungry were the common people to hear words of religious co...s mingling freely and joyously with the common people, even with an irreligious and...ontent with means and personalities which most people would have regarded as inadeq...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                PAPER 195 AFTER PENTECOST

                ...d priest-ridden Hebrews, as a people, refused to accept either Jes...nd universe philosophies. The peoples of the Western world, the be...embrace too much for any one people to assimilate in one or two g...y, the Jew holiness, but both peoples loved truth. For centuries t...

              • +120 more Pages

              Top-level pages

              Wire posts

                • David Onche

                  By David Onche

                  A preacher was driving home one night with his wife and two daughters in the car. It was raining and dark and because of the intensity of the rain he could hardly see past his headlights. On the way he had to drive over a huge bridge. There were...More

                  • Kato Pare

                    By Kato Pare

                    Kato Pare Am called Kato pare from a rural area in ibanda district, western Uganda with people of low income and poor standards of living. Am 14 years old anyway in July turning 15 years. My parents died am now an orphan I live with my grandmother...More

                  • +4 more Wire posts


                    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                      Eric already adopted.

                      Our adoption program founded is doing great that even Eric is now adopted by sister Annie from USA. This is to change the lives of these children because they know some good people world wide think about them.

                      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                        Anani adopted already.

                        Here is Maganda Anani who is already adopted by sister Darlene from Canada through our adoption program. Thanks good people for the love.

                      • +188 more Photos


                        • Paul Kemp Administrator

                          World Religions

                          ...he human family. While the religions of the world have a double origin — natural and revelatory — at any one time and among any one people there are to be found three d...

                          • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                            Adopted Children

                            These Children have been Adopted from Afar by the good people out of all Nations. Truly the Good Samaritans of this world. 

                          • +31 more Albums


                            • i Witness NEWS

                              And they shall beat their swords into plowshares

                              ...ns that impoverish our culture and are keeping people on the brink of starvation and abject poverty.  Moreover, more people are being slaughtered themsel...est way "Old Rome" could control the people was trough the Gladiator Game...

                              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                                After the Resurrection

                                ...r the Resurrection  UrantiaBookFilms   Published on Mar 26, 2016 After the resurrection Jesus appeared to over 1,000 people. In each post-resurrection ap...

                              • +216 more Videos


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                              Wall posts

                                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                                  ...a part of the divine plan for making over that which is into that which ought to be. ~ The Urantia Book, (144:4.9). "Trust in him at all times, O people. Pour out your heart before h...

                                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                                    ...e Master Of The Universe whenever we experience/aware the wave/breeze in to our being is a great response to the Universe. I strongly believe that People everywhere feel/aware that so...

                                  • +119 more Wall posts




                                  • Urantia Religions
                                    • open group
                                    • 14 members

                                    Urantia Religions

                                    The many religions of Urantia are all good to the extent that they bring man to God and bring the realization of the Father to man. It is a fallacy for any group of religionists to conceive of their creed as The Truth; such attitudes bespeak more of theological arrogance than of certainty of faith. There is not a Urantia religion that could not profitably study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in every other faith, for all contain truth. Religionists would do better to borrow the best in their neighbors' living spiritual faith rather than to denounce the worst in their lingering superstitions and outworn rituals.
                                  • Creatures ● Because We Share Life
                                    • open group
                                    • 2 members

                                    Creatures ● Because We Share Life

                                    Creatures we share life with.
                                  • +82 more Groups


                                    • i Witness NEWS

                                      We The People

                                      We The People

                                      Tags: We The People, Dave Martin