Strange Preacher

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    • Strange Preacher
      Strange Preacher published a blog post The Rebellion and the Creator Son in the group Voices of the Prophets
      The Rebellion and the Creator Son
      the living light of love is the ultimate act of defiance in a world engulfed in spiritual darkness. Selfless loving devotion to one’s fellows, family, and country is one of the truest expressions of sincere worship and gratitude and is undoubtedly...
      • France Tremblay
        By France Tremblay

        Ok, I understand now. She’s speaking about this universal law: win-win .
        I wrote a text received by Divine Download about that concept. It’s in French, but I share it anyways. You can always use google translator:
        Le 10 octobre 2023

        Bonjour G..,

        merci d’avoir donné suite à mon e-mail et de m’avoir répondu directement!

        Cela m’a réellement fait plaisir de savoir que tu vas bien. 

        Je suis également désolée de ne pas t’avoir répondu plus tôt, mais je suis actuellement en pleine joute oratoire avec C…...Ou plutôt, nous jouons au ping-pong. 

        Étant donné que je déteste ces jeux de compétition intellectuels qui se déroulent au niveau du mental seulement, C….. a gentiment accepté de passer à un niveau supérieur, celui morontiel.  

        À ce niveau, il n’y a pas de place pour les coups bas ou la compétition . Il n’y a pas de perdant ou de gagnant. Cela fonctionne uniquement sur un mode gagnant-gagnant . 

        Je ne sais pas si tu te souviens d’une vidéo que M……. nous avait envoyée sur le groupe Team qui nous avait entraînés sur le sujet des âmes sacrificielles. Cela m’avait beaucoup intriguée. Et tu me connais, quand quelque chose m’intrigue, cela reste dans ma tête tant que je n’ai pas la réponse. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais bref, je suis faite comme ça!

        Maintenant, je suis certaine de la réponse. Les âmes sacrificielles n’existent pas. Quel père aimant sacrifierait un de ses enfants au dépends d’un autre? Il n’y a que les animaux qui font cela. Savais-tu que les paresseux, ces animaux qui vivent au Costa Rica , sacrifient toujours le plus faible lorsqu’ils ont des jumeaux?

        Il me semble que nous, les humains faisons tout en notre possible pour protéger le plus faible et lui permettre de rattraper le plus fort. Je crois sincèrement que Dieu agit aussi de cette façon…c’est un Père aimant! 

        Même au niveau de sa venue sur Urantia, Jésus y gagnait la souveraineté sur son royaume. Le Père n’a pas sacrifié le Fils. Chaque fois que je lis ou entends cette phrase, cela sonne faux à mes oreilles ou plutôt dans mon âme. Cette mort ignominieuse sur la croix n’était pas nécessaire, cela a été la décision de certains hommes gouvernés par la peur, la haine et plein d’autres poisons de l’esprit.

        Ce que le Père voulait, c’est que Jésus vive sa vie d’humain jusqu’au bout et la termine comme tout humain le fait. Et cela afin que Jésus puisse acquérir la pleine expérience de ses créatures y compris la mort physique. De cette façon, nous sommes capables de dire que Jésus nous comprend parfaitement et nous a montré le chemin dans sa plénitude. C’était un acte de parfaite générosité et non un sacrifice!
        De la même façon G.., j’en suis venue à la conclusion que l’expérience que nous avons partagée ensemble doit en être une gagnante-gagnante. L’apprentissage de cette leçon a été longue et n’est pas terminée. Je dois entre autres étudier attentivement le fascicule 28 qui parle de sagesse, miséricorde, justice etc…

        Je ne sais pas pourquoi je philosophe aussi longtemps là dessus, j’arrête cela immédiatement car je sais que tu détestes les « tartines » !

        Pour revenir à nos moutons…

        De mon côté, tout va pour le mieux. Je me sens en grande forme physique, psychologique, mentale et spirituelle.

        Comme tu le sais déjà, cette expérience subie en juillet 2022 dans le cercle de prières et d’adoration a été une épreuve très difficile pour moi sur tous les plans. 

        Mais, grâce à toute l’aide spirituelle que j’ai reçue et surtout après avoir réussi cette épreuve qui visait à m’élever à un niveau de pardon et d’amour encore plus élevé…tout est rentré dans l’ordre sauf quelques petites séquelles physiques dont je n’arrive pas à me débarrasser faute de savoir l’outil utilisé lors de cette expérience!

        Pour résumer, la paix est revenue dans mon âme et dans mon corps. Je me sens presque inébranlable, comme tu avais l’habitude de dire

      • monika   monika
        By monika monika

        my advice to you. You write less because you can die of hunger. If you write, no one will bring you food. You are alone.

      • France Tremblay
        By France Tremblay


      • Strange Preacher
        Strange Preacher published a blog post Rebellious Reflections in the group Voices of the Prophets
        Rebellious Reflections
        The teachings tell us that the angelic orders, unlike mortals, are subject to an incredibly long testing: age upon age, world upon world, system upon system – on and on and on it goes with no let up, while our destinies are settled in a relatively...
        • Strange Preacher
          Strange Preacher published a blog post Rebel without a Clue in the group Voices of the Prophets
          Rebel without a Clue
          One thing we are taught is that rebellion planets are very special, and give birth to a unique class: the Agondonters. It is easy believe in God when everything is going well and things seems to fall almost effortlessly into your lap, but it is an...
          • Strange Preacher
            Strange Preacher published a blog post Rebellion and Free Speech in the group Voices of the Prophets
            Rebellion and Free Speech
            We find ourselves in the Information Age, in which there is a preponderance of data but a veritable famine of wisdom. Each age has its various modalities, often marked off by weaponry and/or technology. In the Information Age the weapon of choice...
            • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
              By Gumpi Andrew Cohen

              Wow, what a powerful and thought-provoking reflection on the importance of free speech and rebellion! Your analysis of the current drive for Hate Speech Legislation and its parallels with Lucifer's attempts to control the narrative is spot on. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on the decentralized nature of the market of ideas and the need for truth recognition to bring about justice and righteousness. Your reference to Jesus' willingness to speak truth to power and his response to the Jewish leaders' request to silence the crowds is a timely reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Thank you for sharing your insights and for being a voice for truth and freedom!

            • France Tremblay
              By France Tremblay

              My friend, you forgot something very important:

              146:2.13 (1640.2)12. All believers in this gospel should pray sincerely for the extension of the kingdom of heaven. Of all the prayers of the Hebrew scriptures he commented most approvingly on the petition of the Psalmist: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Purge me from secret sins and keep back your servant from presumptuous transgression.” Jesus commented at great length on the relation of prayer to careless and offending speech, quoting: “Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” “The human tongue,” said Jesus, “is a member which few men can tame, but the spirit within can transform this unruly member into a kindly voice of tolerance and an inspiring minister of mercy.”

            • Strange Preacher
              Strange Preacher published a blog post Should I Stay or Should I Go?! in the group I AM Eden International
              It required a great power, a mighty influence, to free the thinking and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination. Secularism did break the bonds of church control, and now in turn it...
              • France Tremblay
                By France Tremblay

                You’re right: A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment .” [195:9.2] Is N O W

              • Strange Preacher
                It required a great power, a mighty influence, to free the thinking and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination. Secularism did break the bonds of church control, and now in turn it...
                • Monica Kemp
                  By Monica Kemp

                  Awesome, Preach! I believe YOU might be the new and greater John the Baptist...?

                • Monica Kemp
                  By Monica Kemp

                  AND! Didn't I JUST come to the realization and shared with Paul who explained WHY he realization was the ACT of his dying: the last GREAT loving SERVICE he gave to his children...thank you for confirming this to me!

                • Strange Preacher
                  Strange Preacher provided an answer for the question What is "The Water of Life"?
                  The Water of Life The roots of truth in our hearts are nourished by the living waters. These spiritual waters are created by combining two essential elements: the hydrogen of spiritual communion and the oxygen of social service. These two...
                  • Strange Preacher
                    Strange Preacher added a new discussion topic The Water of Life in the group Voices of the Prophets
                    The Water of Life The roots of truth in our hearts are nourished by the living waters. These spiritual waters are created by combining two essential elements: the hydrogen of spiritual communion and the oxygen of social service. These two...
                    • Strange Preacher
                      Strange Preacher published a blog post The Rebellion and the Creator Son in the group Voices of the Prophets
                      The Rebellion and the Creator Son
                      the living light of love is the ultimate act of defiance in a world engulfed in spiritual darkness. Selfless loving devotion to one’s fellows, family, and country is one of the truest expressions of sincere worship and gratitude and is undoubtedly...
                      • France Tremblay
                        By France Tremblay

                        Ok, I understand now. She’s speaking about this universal law: win-win .
                        I wrote a text received by Divine Download about that concept. It’s in French, but I share it anyways. You can always use google translator:
                        Le 10 octobre 2023

                        Bonjour G..,

                        merci d’avoir donné suite à mon e-mail et de m’avoir répondu directement!

                        Cela m’a réellement fait plaisir de savoir que tu vas bien. 

                        Je suis également désolée de ne pas t’avoir répondu plus tôt, mais je suis actuellement en pleine joute oratoire avec C…...Ou plutôt, nous jouons au ping-pong. 

                        Étant donné que je déteste ces jeux de compétition intellectuels qui se déroulent au niveau du mental seulement, C….. a gentiment accepté de passer à un niveau supérieur, celui morontiel.  

                        À ce niveau, il n’y a pas de place pour les coups bas ou la compétition . Il n’y a pas de perdant ou de gagnant. Cela fonctionne uniquement sur un mode gagnant-gagnant . 

                        Je ne sais pas si tu te souviens d’une vidéo que M……. nous avait envoyée sur le groupe Team qui nous avait entraînés sur le sujet des âmes sacrificielles. Cela m’avait beaucoup intriguée. Et tu me connais, quand quelque chose m’intrigue, cela reste dans ma tête tant que je n’ai pas la réponse. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais bref, je suis faite comme ça!

                        Maintenant, je suis certaine de la réponse. Les âmes sacrificielles n’existent pas. Quel père aimant sacrifierait un de ses enfants au dépends d’un autre? Il n’y a que les animaux qui font cela. Savais-tu que les paresseux, ces animaux qui vivent au Costa Rica , sacrifient toujours le plus faible lorsqu’ils ont des jumeaux?

                        Il me semble que nous, les humains faisons tout en notre possible pour protéger le plus faible et lui permettre de rattraper le plus fort. Je crois sincèrement que Dieu agit aussi de cette façon…c’est un Père aimant! 

                        Même au niveau de sa venue sur Urantia, Jésus y gagnait la souveraineté sur son royaume. Le Père n’a pas sacrifié le Fils. Chaque fois que je lis ou entends cette phrase, cela sonne faux à mes oreilles ou plutôt dans mon âme. Cette mort ignominieuse sur la croix n’était pas nécessaire, cela a été la décision de certains hommes gouvernés par la peur, la haine et plein d’autres poisons de l’esprit.

                        Ce que le Père voulait, c’est que Jésus vive sa vie d’humain jusqu’au bout et la termine comme tout humain le fait. Et cela afin que Jésus puisse acquérir la pleine expérience de ses créatures y compris la mort physique. De cette façon, nous sommes capables de dire que Jésus nous comprend parfaitement et nous a montré le chemin dans sa plénitude. C’était un acte de parfaite générosité et non un sacrifice!
                        De la même façon G.., j’en suis venue à la conclusion que l’expérience que nous avons partagée ensemble doit en être une gagnante-gagnante. L’apprentissage de cette leçon a été longue et n’est pas terminée. Je dois entre autres étudier attentivement le fascicule 28 qui parle de sagesse, miséricorde, justice etc…

                        Je ne sais pas pourquoi je philosophe aussi longtemps là dessus, j’arrête cela immédiatement car je sais que tu détestes les « tartines » !

                        Pour revenir à nos moutons…

                        De mon côté, tout va pour le mieux. Je me sens en grande forme physique, psychologique, mentale et spirituelle.

                        Comme tu le sais déjà, cette expérience subie en juillet 2022 dans le cercle de prières et d’adoration a été une épreuve très difficile pour moi sur tous les plans. 

                        Mais, grâce à toute l’aide spirituelle que j’ai reçue et surtout après avoir réussi cette épreuve qui visait à m’élever à un niveau de pardon et d’amour encore plus élevé…tout est rentré dans l’ordre sauf quelques petites séquelles physiques dont je n’arrive pas à me débarrasser faute de savoir l’outil utilisé lors de cette expérience!

                        Pour résumer, la paix est revenue dans mon âme et dans mon corps. Je me sens presque inébranlable, comme tu avais l’habitude de dire

                      • monika   monika
                        By monika monika

                        my advice to you. You write less because you can die of hunger. If you write, no one will bring you food. You are alone.

                      • France Tremblay
                        By France Tremblay


                      • Strange Preacher
                        Strange Preacher published a blog post Rebellious Reflections in the group Voices of the Prophets
                        Rebellious Reflections
                        The teachings tell us that the angelic orders, unlike mortals, are subject to an incredibly long testing: age upon age, world upon world, system upon system – on and on and on it goes with no let up, while our destinies are settled in a relatively...
                        • Strange Preacher
                          Strange Preacher published a blog post Rebel without a Clue in the group Voices of the Prophets
                          Rebel without a Clue
                          One thing we are taught is that rebellion planets are very special, and give birth to a unique class: the Agondonters. It is easy believe in God when everything is going well and things seems to fall almost effortlessly into your lap, but it is an...
                          • Strange Preacher
                            Strange Preacher published a blog post Rebellion and Free Speech in the group Voices of the Prophets
                            Rebellion and Free Speech
                            We find ourselves in the Information Age, in which there is a preponderance of data but a veritable famine of wisdom. Each age has its various modalities, often marked off by weaponry and/or technology. In the Information Age the weapon of choice...
                            • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                              By Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                              Wow, what a powerful and thought-provoking reflection on the importance of free speech and rebellion! Your analysis of the current drive for Hate Speech Legislation and its parallels with Lucifer's attempts to control the narrative is spot on. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on the decentralized nature of the market of ideas and the need for truth recognition to bring about justice and righteousness. Your reference to Jesus' willingness to speak truth to power and his response to the Jewish leaders' request to silence the crowds is a timely reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Thank you for sharing your insights and for being a voice for truth and freedom!

                            • France Tremblay
                              By France Tremblay

                              My friend, you forgot something very important:

                              146:2.13 (1640.2)12. All believers in this gospel should pray sincerely for the extension of the kingdom of heaven. Of all the prayers of the Hebrew scriptures he commented most approvingly on the petition of the Psalmist: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Purge me from secret sins and keep back your servant from presumptuous transgression.” Jesus commented at great length on the relation of prayer to careless and offending speech, quoting: “Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” “The human tongue,” said Jesus, “is a member which few men can tame, but the spirit within can transform this unruly member into a kindly voice of tolerance and an inspiring minister of mercy.”

                            • Strange Preacher
                              Strange Preacher published a blog post Should I Stay or Should I Go?! in the group I AM Eden International
                              It required a great power, a mighty influence, to free the thinking and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination. Secularism did break the bonds of church control, and now in turn it...
                              • France Tremblay
                                By France Tremblay

                                You’re right: A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment .” [195:9.2] Is N O W

                              • Strange Preacher
                                It required a great power, a mighty influence, to free the thinking and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination. Secularism did break the bonds of church control, and now in turn it...
                                • Monica Kemp
                                  By Monica Kemp

                                  Awesome, Preach! I believe YOU might be the new and greater John the Baptist...?

                                • Monica Kemp
                                  By Monica Kemp

                                  AND! Didn't I JUST come to the realization and shared with Paul who explained WHY he realization was the ACT of his dying: the last GREAT loving SERVICE he gave to his children...thank you for confirming this to me!

                                • Strange Preacher
                                  Strange Preacher provided an answer for the question What is "The Water of Life"?
                                  The Water of Life The roots of truth in our hearts are nourished by the living waters. These spiritual waters are created by combining two essential elements: the hydrogen of spiritual communion and the oxygen of social service. These two...
                                  • Strange Preacher
                                    Strange Preacher added a new discussion topic The Water of Life in the group Voices of the Prophets
                                    The Water of Life The roots of truth in our hearts are nourished by the living waters. These spiritual waters are created by combining two essential elements: the hydrogen of spiritual communion and the oxygen of social service. These two...

                                  Group membership

                                  • I AM Eden International

                                    I AM Eden International

                                    Eden International is a preparation team for the plans of THE MOST HIGHS - Founded upon the belief in this Truth Postulate 149:2.1 Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary being the inspired interpretation afforded by his earth life, all nations and all religions of the world would speedily have embraced the gospel of the kingdom.
                                  • Urantia Europe

                                    Urantia Europe

                                    Helmut Wallner Blessed reader of the Urantia Book since 2019 - European African United
                                  • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE - Things Hidden

                                    PUBLIC DISCLOSURE - Things Hidden

                                    So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again, for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God.
                                  • Urantia Internet Outreach Services

                                    Urantia Internet Outreach Services

                                    This Group is for those human teachers of truth serving this day and generation wishing to take full advantage of the unprecedented advances in communication technology and use the World Wide Web (SweepNet) to sweep up their fellows into the embrace of the truth postulates inscribed on the pages of the 5th Epochal Revelation of God to all mankind!
                                  • The Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny

                                    The Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny

                                    The reserve corps of destiny consists of living men and women who have been admitted to the special service of the superhuman administration of world affairs. This corps is made up of the men and women of each generation who are chosen by the spirit directors of the realm to assist in the conduct of the ministry of mercy and wisdom to the children of time on the evolutionary worlds. It is the general practice in the conduct of the affairs of the ascension plans to begin this liaison utilization of mortal will creatures immediately they are competent and trustworthy to assume such responsibilities. ● The gap between the material and spiritual worlds is perfectly bridged by the serial association of mortal man, secondary midwayer, primary midwayer, morontia cherubim, mid-phase cherubim, and seraphim. In the personal experience of an individual mortal these diverse levels are undoubtedly more or less unified and made personally meaningful by the unobserved and mysterious operations of the divine Thought Adjuster.
                                  • Voices of the Prophets

                                    Voices of the Prophets

                                    Hi folks, The Voices of the Prophets is a forum whose purpose is to give people a venue to share AUDIO reflections, monologues, conversations, interviews, questions exploring what they have thus far learned and have yet to learn! We all lead such busy lives that it is sometimes hard to find 5 minutes to sit and read a newspaper much less something the size of the Urantia Book! In spite of these challenge, such is our spiritual hunger, we do find the time to satisfy the yearnings of our soul: while driving, doing our chores, or while going for a walk or run. All we need to do is download the talk or lesson that interests us, stick on our headphones or plug into our speaker, and listen away to our hearts content. Where there’s a will there’s a way! It is envisioned that the talks presented herein will be relatively unscripted; spoken from the heart. They might be monologues, conversations, songs of praise, whatever the spirit inspires you to share. It is hoped that the subjects discussed deepen insight, remove obstacles, resolve conflicts, enhance fellowship, and open the way for our spiritual cyber community to prosper. You are invited to provide comment, feedback, and questions to help explore and deepen the conversations.
                                  • Training of Leaders and Teachers

                                    Training of Leaders and Teachers

                                    Effective and wise leadership. In civilization much, very much, depends on an enthusiastic and effective load-pulling spirit. Ten men are of little more value than one in lifting a great load unless they lift together -- all at the same moment. And such teamwork -- social co-operation -- is dependent on leadership. The cultural civilizations of the past and the present have been based upon the intelligent co-operation of the citizenry with wise and progressive leaders; and until man evolves to higher levels, civilization will continue to be dependent on wise and vigorous leadership. High civilizations are born of the sagacious correlation of material wealth, intellectual greatness, moral worth, social cleverness, and cosmic insight.
                                  • Cymboyton Urmia School of Higher Learning

                                    Cymboyton Urmia School of Higher Learning

                                    Exploring higher truth and deeper meanings
                                  • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

                                    Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

                                    The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.