Deep Seek I gave you a copy of Paper 7 of the Urantia 5th Epochal Revelation. Could you provide a Summary of this PAPER 7 RELATION OF THE ETERNAL SON TO THE UNIVERSE
2nd Question
Continuing from the last question regarding Singlanton could you expand on the narrative in the 5th Epochal Revelation Paper 94 how LAO-TSE AND CONFUCIUS later revived Singlanton's teaching of the One Truth?
According to the 5th Epochal Revelation Urantia Papers, China led advancing civilization and culture for 10,000 years. Could you summarize the reason why this was starting at the incipient stages when the great spiritual teacher...
Question to Deep Seek
DeepSeek, could you review the Instructions given by Immanuel the Union of Days to Christ Michael in paper 120 of the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers before embarking on his 7th and final bestowal mission and summarize the...
Question for DeepSeek
DeepSeek, could you attempt first to describe the role of our local Universe Mother Spirit as presented in the Urantia Papers the 5th Epochal Revelation of God to humanity and also clarify the two primary eruptions that...