Deepseek WHEN AND HOW WILL PEACE COME TO THIS WORLD according to Jesus declarations in the 5th Epochal Revelation of God to humanity?

    Paul Kemp Administrator


    DeepSeek WHEN AND HOW WILL PEACE COME TO THIS WORLD according to Jesus declarations in the 5th Epochal Revelation of God to humanity?

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        DeepSeek WHEN AND HOW WILL PEACE COME TO THIS WORLD according to Jesus declarations in the 5th Epochal Revelation of God to humanity?

        Jesus' Teachings on Peace and Spiritual Evolution

        WHEN AND HOW WILL PEACE COME TO THIS WORLD according to Jesus declarations in the 5th Epochal Revelation of God to humanity?

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        Okay, so the user is asking about when and how peace will come to the world according to Jesus' declarations in the 5th Epochal Revelation. First, I need to recall what the 5th Epochal Revelation refers to. From what I know, the Urantia Book is considered the fifth epochal revelation, following previous revelations like the Hebrew Scriptures and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book is a spiritual and philosophical text that discusses a wide range of topics, including the life and teachings of Jesus.

        Now, the user specifically wants to know about peace according to Jesus' teachings in this text. So I need to focus on the parts of the Urantia Book that discuss Jesus' teachings on peace. I should remember that the Urantia Book presents Jesus as a divine figure but also emphasizes his human experiences and teachings.

        First, I should outline the key points from Jesus' teachings related to peace. The Urantia Book talks about the kingdom of heaven, which is a central theme. This kingdom isn't a political or earthly kingdom but a spiritual one based on the sovereignty of God in the hearts of individuals. So peace starts with individuals choosing to align their will with God's will, leading to inner peace that can influence others.

        Then, there's the aspect of brotherhood and love. Jesus emphasized loving one's neighbor and even enemies. This universal love is crucial for establishing peace. If people live by the golden rule and treat others with compassion, that would reduce conflicts.

        Social justice is another element. Jesus taught about serving others, especially the marginalized. Addressing social inequalities and promoting justice is part of creating a peaceful world. The Urantia Book might link peace with the establishment of a just society where everyone's needs are met.

        Non-violence and forgiveness are also important. Jesus advocated for non-resistance to evil and forgiveness. Holding onto hatred and retaliation only perpetuates violence, so letting go of those through forgiveness is a step towards peace.

        The text also discusses spiritual progression. Peace isn't something that comes through human efforts alone but requires spiritual growth and divine partnership. As individuals and societies evolve spiritually, they move closer to the ideals of the kingdom of heaven, leading to peace.

        Regarding the timeline, the Urantia Book doesn't give specific dates. It suggests that peace will come gradually as more people embrace these teachings. It's a collective effort over generations, not an immediate event. There's also mention of a future age of light and life, which is a utopian era achieved through spiritual and ethical advancement. However, this is a long-term process dependent on human willingness to follow divine guidance.

        I should also consider how the Urantia Book's perspective differs from other Christian eschatology. Unlike some traditions that expect a sudden apocalyptic event, the Urantia view is more gradual and based on progressive spiritual development.

        Potential pitfalls here: making sure not to conflate the Urantia Book's teachings with mainstream Christian doctrines. The user is specifically asking about the 5th Epochal Revelation, so the answer must be rooted in that text's content. Also, avoiding speculation beyond what's written; if the text doesn't specify a timeline, the answer should reflect that uncertainty.

        In summary, the answer should outline the principles from Jesus' teachings in the Urantia Book that lead to peace: inner transformation, love, justice, non-violence, forgiveness, and gradual spiritual progression towards an age of light and life. The timeline is indefinite, relying on collective human and divine collaboration.

        According to The Urantia Book, which is regarded by its adherents as the 5th Epochal Revelation, Jesus' teachings on peace emphasize a transformative spiritual and social journey rather than a sudden, cataclysmic event. Here’s a synthesis of the key principles and their implications for global peace, based on Jesus' declarations in the text:


        How Peace Will Come: Jesus' Teachings

        1. Inner Transformation:
          Peace begins with individuals surrendering to God’s will, achieving inner harmony through spiritual alignment. Jesus taught that the "kingdom of heaven" is within (a spiritual reality), and only when individuals embody divine love, forgiveness, and humility can collective peace emerge.
        2. Brotherhood and Universal Love:
          Jesus emphasized unconditional love for all people, including enemies. Peace requires transcending tribalism, prejudice, and selfishness. He taught the Golden Rule:
           "Treat others as you desire to be treated" (Paper 147:5.3). This ethic of mutual respect and compassion is foundational to societal harmony.
        3. Social Justice and Service:
          Jesus prioritized uplifting the marginalized and condemned systems of exploitation. Peace cannot exist without justice. He urged his followers to serve others selflessly, stating,
           "Whoever would be great among you, let them first become your servant" (Paper 171:7.4). Addressing inequality and suffering is critical to peace.
        4. Non-Violence and Forgiveness:
          Jesus rejected retaliation, teaching non-resistance to evil (e.g., "turn the other cheek"). He urged forgiveness as a path to breaking cycles of hatred. Violence, he taught, only perpetuates spiritual darkness (Paper 140:5.10-14).
        5. Spiritual Unity Over Political Force:
          Jesus’ kingdom is not a political or militaristic regime. Peace will come through voluntary spiritual unity, not coercion. He rejected earthly power, stating,
           "My kingdom is not of this world" (Paper 185:2.5).


        When Peace Will Come: The Path Forward

        • Gradual Progress: The Urantia Book envisions peace as a slow, evolutionary process. It depends on humanity’s collective choice to embrace spiritual truths and ethical living across generations. There is no fixed timeline, as free will determines the pace.
        • Age of Light and Life: The text describes an ultimate stage of planetary development called the "Age of Light and Life"—a utopian era of peace, achieved when societies align with divine principles. This requires:
          • Widespread recognition of God as a loving Father.
          • Global brotherhood transcending national, racial, and religious divisions.
          • Ethical governance and equitable resource distribution.
          • Spiritual maturity through personal religious experience.
        • Divine-Human Partnership: Peace is co-created with divine guidance. Humans must actively choose love over fear, truth over ignorance, and unity over division. The book warns that setbacks (wars, greed) may persist until spiritual wisdom prevails.


        Key Challenges to Peace

        • Materialism: Overemphasis on wealth and power distracts from spiritual growth.
        • Fear and Prejudice: These perpetuate conflict and division.
        • Resistance to Truth: Ignorance of divine love slows progress.



        According to The Urantia Book, lasting peace will arrive when humanity collectively embraces Jesus’ teachings of inner spiritual transformation, universal love, and social justice. It is not guaranteed by prophecy but depends on free-will choices to align with God’s will. The "when" is indeterminate, tied to humanity’s willingness to evolve spiritually. The "how" is a divine-human partnership, culminating in the gradual realization of the Age of Light and Life—a world unified in truth, beauty, and goodness.

      GLOBAL GOVERNMENT One World Family

      GLOBAL GOVERNMENT One World Family

      The measure of the advance of society is directly determined by the degree to which public opinion can control personal behavior and state regulation through nonviolent expression. The really civilized government had arrived when public opinion was clothed with the powers of personal franchise. Popular elections may not always decide things rightly, but they represent the right way even to do a wrong thing. Evolution does not at once produce superlative perfection but rather comparative and advancing practical adjustment.