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God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Pages

To Attain Him: Introduction 

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The Jesus MeetUp 52 Week Program

So, this program is designed to be leader-friendly. The Jesus MeetUp study outlines can be printed on one double-sided page in black and white (super cost effective) for anyone to take home for further study. 

For those who cannot afford a book, do not own a computer/laptop or even a phone can still have a little bit of Jesus' teachings to keep week after week and build up their own file of Jesus' amazing teachings until they can afford to get a book.

There are group questions each week for great discussions.  Each meeting ends with The Lord's Prayer said as a group (pdf. ). We encourage everyone to write on a piece of paper either their prayer requests or a question that they would like answered.  We will wrap these questions into the 52 week program as they come in week by week.  Advancing Ambassadors Advent is offered 4 times a year as well as youth leadership training.  As you can see we have included many ceremonies, rites, celebrations, ordinations and recognition-s throughout the year.  The 3D Trinity Concentric Circles (spinners) are given, never sold, as gifts to recognize those Ambassadors of Jesus who are worthy of appreciation.  A paper defining the new Jesus' True Religion will be posted shortly.

Soon, we will create a coinciding Children and Youth Jesus MeetUp program designed with each developmental stage considered and applied.  This ultimately provides the entire family the opportunity to discuss these truths of Jesus and our Revelators as a family unit as each week's topic is addressed for every age group.  We firmly believe that this will uplift the family unit providing closer relationships and greater love all around.

We welcome your thoughts and opinions.  Send us your ideas in the Contact section at the top of that page.  Thank you!

To Jesus lifted up so He may draw all near to Himself ~ the group at God Discovered 

leader: noun: person who guides

synonyms for leader:  coach, instructor, director, manager, officer, captain, counselor, forerunner, guide, lead, pacesetter, pilot, pioneer, shepherd, skipper.  Jesus might add a "SERVANT"! 

"Whosoever would be great among you, let him first become your servant." ~ Jesus 171:0.6

​The Lord's Prayer pdf  | Jesus MeetUp Facilitator Considerations pdf | Jesus MeetUp Flyer pdf

Jesus MeetUp Workbook pdf






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  • Gumisiriza Julius
    By Gumisiriza Julius

    this is wonderful, bringing together all human races

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God Discovered

Our mission statement is: CONTACT WITH GOD and the 6 easy steps to attain Him personally is what we coach and teach. PERSONAL MINISTRY FOR JESUS right in your own home is what we foster for YOU to become a qualified minister of the true gospel of Jesus.
