Monica Kemp
The true child of universe insight looks for the living Spirit of Truth in every wise saying. The God-knowing individual is constantly elevating wisdom to the living-truth levels of divine attainment!
We will be posting here in our monthly blog for you to find each day a new inspirational message from the pages of the 5th Epochal Revelation of God to all mankind. These daily, monthly and yearly images will be indexed here in both text and captured within an image.
Please download and share these beautiful though gems on your own social media networks. Please also visit our website presentations of these New Revelations
Question: is this ministry open to adding new teachers of the Revelation? Eg. Those current readers who want to be of service also?
And the Revelation really covers it all:
56:10:21 (648.4) Love is the desire to do good to others.
" others" = all creatures, human, animal and celestial!!
Excellent comparison to all other matters of living and how we need to balance each.
Great question! First, believe with all your heart, mind and body to accept through the gift of faith by our Heavenly Father that you are a son of the God of Love, and act as a child of the most Perfect Being. Then, must you do as Jesus did: take time during your day, to privately TALK with our Father - telling him your challenges, although he already knows(!)except this teaches us to be humble.before God as we ask him for help.
While our prayers are only answered according to the levels of spiritual insight we have and the benefit to us spiritually. We must not wait for material "gifts" to fall out of the sky from God, although! Someone in your community might be inspired to drop by with help.
Above all, when you pray, after you have exhausted ALL possible solutions to your problems, you MUST have FAITH, living faith, that your prayer WILL be heard and an answer considered for how you will best grow spiritually during your daily challenges.
Question: is this ministry open to adding new teachers of the Revelation? Eg. Those current readers who want to be of service also?
And the Revelation really covers it all:
56:10:21 (648.4) Love is the desire to do good to others.
" others" = all creatures, human, animal and celestial!!
Excellent comparison to all other matters of living and how we need to balance each.
"Glorious" by David Archuleta from Meet the Mormons Cover by One Voice Children's Choir
A song about the ideal life and model career.
thanks dear Monica for all the initiatives you have done to out reach the new revelation to world thanks..
thanks dear Monica for all the initiatives you have done to out reach the new revelation to world thanks..
Great question! First, believe with all your heart, mind and body to accept through the gift of faith by our Heavenly Father that you are a son of the God of Love, and act as a child of the most Perfect Being. Then, must you do as Jesus did: take time during your day, to privately TALK with our Father - telling him your challenges, although he already knows(!)except this teaches us to be humble.before God as we ask him for help.
While our prayers are only answered according to the levels of spiritual insight we have and the benefit to us spiritually. We must not wait for material "gifts" to fall out of the sky from God, although! Someone in your community might be inspired to drop by with help.
Above all, when you pray, after you have exhausted ALL possible solutions to your problems, you MUST have FAITH, living faith, that your prayer WILL be heard and an answer considered for how you will best grow spiritually during your daily challenges.