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    • Rodgers Muhereza
      Rodgers Muhereza is now a friend with Monica Kemp
        Rodgers Muhereza
          Monica Kemp
          • Rodgers Muhereza

            Appreciations always

            • Rodgers Muhereza
              Rodgers Muhereza

              Even though you are effectively armed to meet the difficult situations of life, you can hardly expect success unless you are equipped with that wisdom of mind and charm of personality which enable you to win the hearty support and co-operation of your fellows. You cannot hope for a large measure of success in either secular or religious work unless you can learn how to persuade your fellows, to prevail with men. You simply must have tact and tolerance.

              • Paul Kemp Administrator
                By Paul Kemp Administrator

                156:5.18 As you grow older in years and more experienced in the affairs of the kingdom, are you becoming more tactful in dealing with troublesome mortals and more tolerant in living with stubborn associates? Tact is the fulcrum of social leverage, and tolerance is the earmark of a great soul. If you possess these rare and charming gifts, as the days pass you will become more alert and expert in your worthy efforts to avoid all unnecessary social misunderstandings. Such wise souls are able to avoid much of the trouble which is certain to be the portion of all who suffer from lack of emotional adjustment, those who refuse to grow up, and those who refuse to grow old gracefully.


              • Rodgers Muhereza
                Rodgers Muhereza is now a friend with Dr. Roger W. Paul
                  Rodgers Muhereza
                    Dr. Roger W. Paul
                    • Rodgers Muhereza
                      Rodgers Muhereza

                      196:0.13 (2089.3) Jesus does not require his disciples to believe in him but rather to believe with him, believe in the reality of the love of God and in full confidence accept the security of the assurance of sonship with the heavenly Father. The Master desires that all his followers should fully share his transcendent faith.

                      • Rodgers Muhereza
                        Rodgers Muhereza added 5 photos to the album Education Campaign Rodgers Muhereza
                        • Engineering Classes
                        • Engineering Classes
                        • Engineering Classes
                        • Engineering Classes
                        • Engineering Classes
                        • Rodgers Muhereza
                          Rodgers Muhereza created a new photo album Jinja Urantia Conference
                          • 20220824JinjaConferenceRogersMuhereza02
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