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    • Daris Turyasingura
      Daris Turyasingura is now a friend with CaroleRae
        Daris Turyasingura
          • Daris Turyasingura
            Daris Turyasingura is now a friend with Bishop Moses Kaharwa
              Daris Turyasingura
                Bishop Moses Kaharwa
                • Daris Turyasingura
                  Daris Turyasingura posted 1 images

                  Trust in the Father's love

                  The consciousness of the victory of spirit in and over matter is at first a faith-trust founded on the teachings of religion and later a faith-trust of personal experience. The soul is assured and confirmed, day by day, in the realities of the Father’s love and the things of the spirit because they are increasingly validated in the daily experience of human living.Faith becomes trust, and trust becomes a living reality in the experience of each soul that steadfastly seeks and knows God. The Father responds to all those who, by faith, trust in Him. All such faith-filled trust brings eternal reward, but the rewards of trusting God are never mere material or temporal; they are spiritual and eternal, always realized within the personal soul-experience of each believing child of God.The Father yearns for the souls of all His children, but His efforts are always constrained by His gift of free will. God never forces His love on His children, nor does He compel their trust in Him. God trusts you with your own destiny. When you choose to trust Him with your faith, you open the door to a rich and fulfilling relationship that transcends all human experience.

                  - with Soren K Vestergaard, Dr. Roger W. Paul, Monica Kemp, Paul Kemp Administrator
                  • Daris Turyasingura
                    Daris Turyasingura posted 1 images

                    The Assurance of Divine Guidance
                    Man's greatest adventure in the flesh consists in the well-balanced and sane effort to advance the borders of self-consciousness out through the dim realms of embryonic soul-consciousness in a wholehearted effort to attain the borderland of spirit-consciousness—contact with the divine presence. Such an experience constitutes God-consciousness, an experience mightily confirmed by the indwelling spirit of God's presence, the Thought Adjuster.Faith in God, trust in the divine goodness, and the acknowledgment of the rightness of God’s plans are all fundamental to the realization of divine guidance. Trust is not just belief in God's existence; it is the absolute conviction of the divine goodness and the eternal certainty of His leadership. A trusting soul is free from fear and full of quiet confidence, knowing that God’s purpose shall unfold, no matter how uncertain or difficult the human path may seem.In the realm of faith and trust, man finds the strength to overcome weakness, to triumph over adversity, and to walk in the joy and light of spiritual understanding. Trusting God involves believing that His will is the best path, even when it appears different from our own wishes or understanding. It means committing your life and destiny into the hands of infinite love and infinite wisdom, trusting that every moment of struggle, growth, and suffering will ultimately contribute to the realization of the divine plan.

                    - with Soren K Vestergaard, Dr. Roger W. Paul, Monica Kemp, Paul Kemp Administrator
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                    Million Member Discipleship

                    Support for the work of Epochal Revelations and the spread of the Gospel of Jesus in this day and generation
                  • Urantia Africa

                    Urantia Africa

                    Urantia Renaissance Africa - Our Mission To bring a new and higher revelation of truth to the Continent of Africa One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it. Come and join us as we bring the new teachings to Africa fulfilling this prophecy. A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Our World is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment. This journey will bring the flame of freedom to our hearts and the light of knowledge in our eyes. Godspeed.
                  • Pato's Spiritual Family

                    Pato's Spiritual Family

                    One World,One Family,One God, - The greatest of all methods of problem solving I have learned from Jesus, your Master. I refer to that which he so consistently practices, and which he has so faithfully taught you, the isolation of worshipful meditation. In this habit of Jesus’ going off so frequently by himself to commune with the Father in heaven is to be found the technique, not only of gathering strength and wisdom for the ordinary conflicts of living, but also of appropriating the energy for the solution of the higher problems of a moral and spiritual nature.
                  • Site FAQs & How-To

                    Site FAQs & How-To

                    Discussions on how to use the various features of this website.
                  • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

                    Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

                    The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.