My dear brethrens and Urantia book readers we are striving alot in the extending of the Urantia reading through Urantia spiritual family! I extend my sincere thanks to Our papa administrator Mr. Paul Kemp for all the work you are doing there! May God bless you . Amen@#*
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The Urantia book offers Valuable insights on the above;
Retaliation vs. Spiritual Maturity:
"Return good for evil, love for hate, and mercy for cruelty." (Paper 131, Section 3)
"The spirit of retaliation is incompatible with the spirit of the kingdom of heaven." (Paper 140, Section 6)
Character and Spiritual Nature:
"Character is the aggregate of all moral, intellectual, and spiritual traits which constitute the individual." (Paper 16, Section 7)
"Your true character is not revealed by your reactions to difficult situations, but by your responses to them." (Paper 131, Section 5)
Reacting vs. Responding:
"To react is to act instinctively, without thoughtful consideration; to respond is to act intelligently, with spiritual discernment." (Paper 110, Section 4)
The Power of Forgiveness
'Forgiveness is the price of spiritual freedom." (Paper 140, Section 6)
"Forgiveness does not excuse wrongdoing, but rather releases the wrongdoer from your personal condemnation." (Paper 131, Section 3)
The New Revelations emphasizes:
1. Spiritual maturity requires self-control and forgiveness.
2. Retaliation and revenge are incompatible with spiritual growth.
3. Character is shaped by responses to challenging situations.
4. Forgiveness releases us from negative emotions and spiritual bondage.
Reflective Questions:
1. How do you respond to difficult situations?
2. What role does forgiveness play in your life?
3. How can you cultivate spiritual maturity in your interactions?
Inspiring Quotes
"Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." (Martin Luther King Jr.)
Trust in the Father's love
The consciousness of the victory of spirit in and over matter is at first a faith-trust founded on the teachings of religion and later a faith-trust of personal experience. The soul is assured and confirmed, day by day, in the realities of the Father’s love and the things of the spirit because they are increasingly validated in the daily experience of human living.Faith becomes trust, and trust becomes a living reality in the experience of each soul that steadfastly seeks and knows God. The Father responds to all those who, by faith, trust in Him. All such faith-filled trust brings eternal reward, but the rewards of trusting God are never mere material or temporal; they are spiritual and eternal, always realized within the personal soul-experience of each believing child of God.The Father yearns for the souls of all His children, but His efforts are always constrained by His gift of free will. God never forces His love on His children, nor does He compel their trust in Him. God trusts you with your own destiny. When you choose to trust Him with your faith, you open the door to a rich and fulfilling relationship that transcends all human experience.
The Assurance of Divine Guidance
Man's greatest adventure in the flesh consists in the well-balanced and sane effort to advance the borders of self-consciousness out through the dim realms of embryonic soul-consciousness in a wholehearted effort to attain the borderland of spirit-consciousness—contact with the divine presence. Such an experience constitutes God-consciousness, an experience mightily confirmed by the indwelling spirit of God's presence, the Thought Adjuster.Faith in God, trust in the divine goodness, and the acknowledgment of the rightness of God’s plans are all fundamental to the realization of divine guidance. Trust is not just belief in God's existence; it is the absolute conviction of the divine goodness and the eternal certainty of His leadership. A trusting soul is free from fear and full of quiet confidence, knowing that God’s purpose shall unfold, no matter how uncertain or difficult the human path may seem.In the realm of faith and trust, man finds the strength to overcome weakness, to triumph over adversity, and to walk in the joy and light of spiritual understanding. Trusting God involves believing that His will is the best path, even when it appears different from our own wishes or understanding. It means committing your life and destiny into the hands of infinite love and infinite wisdom, trusting that every moment of struggle, growth, and suffering will ultimately contribute to the realization of the divine plan.
Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love in the supreme relationship, speaks to the profound nature of love and truth in the spiritual journey. Love, in its purest form, transcends all material limitations. It is the essence of God and the foundation of all creation. When we love unconditionally, we align ourselves with the highest spiritual reality. This divine love is not just an emotion but a guiding force that leads us toward unity with God and others. And Truth is something that frees us from ignorance and deception. It opens our eyes to the deeper meaning of life and helps us understand the universe and our place within it. Truth can set us free by revealing the way to live a life aligned with divine principles.While truth enlightens us, love binds us. Relationships rooted in genuine, selfless love represent the pinnacle of human and divine interaction. The supreme relationship—between individuals or between humanity and God—is based on love. It fosters connection, growth, and the ultimate understanding of our purpose in the grand scheme of existence.In essence, while truth reveals and liberates, it is love that unites and elevates, making it the highest spiritual ideal.
A. What a beautiful young lady you are!
B. LOVE is the prayer in the morning is:
Increase my capacity to love others as I have been commanded to do, by you, Brother Jesus, and in the way you would have ME do. Amen
Thanks Daris and sister Monica surely;
Love is the key to understanding God, the universe, and ourselves.
1. God is love: God's nature is love, and He loves His creatures with an infinite and unconditional love. (Paper 2:5.1)
2. Love is the greatest reality: Love is the greatest reality in the universe, transcending time and space. (Paper 56:10.14)
3. Love unifies: Love unifies all things, bringing harmony and coherence to the universe. (Paper 56:10.15)
4. Love is the key to understanding: Love is the key to understanding God, ourselves, and the universe. (Paper 56:10.13)
5. Selfless love: Love is selfless, seeking the welfare and happiness of others. (Paper 56:10.16)
6. Love is the essence of the kingdom: Love is the essence of the kingdom of heaven, and those who would enter must be born of love. (Paper 140:5.10)
7. Love casts out fear: Love casts out fear, and those who love have no fear. (Paper 143:5.6)
8. Love is the greatest power: Love is the greatest power in the universe, capable of overcoming all obstacles. (Paper 195:10.2)
Love is the key because it:
* Reveals God's nature
* Unifies all things
* Brings understanding and insight
* Transcends time and space
* Overcomes fear and obstacles
* Is the essence of the kingdom of heaven
In essence, love is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, understanding God, and finding our place in the grand scheme of creation.
And let's include the very last sentence of Paper 56:10.21 - Love is the desire to do good to others. Amen!!
THIS is the revised version of our MISSION State,ent and GOALS. Sending a HUGE thank you to sister Lindianne, for the sincerity invested in doing these two crucial aspects of these incipient stages in forming this project:
Our mission is to facilitate on physical sites in various climates, the fostering of the true teachings of enlightenment portrayed by our Creator as he lived his life here on earth in the flesh, beginning in Canada, in order to foster schools of high spiritual,
practical, vocational family life and learning, free from institutional dogma or creed, relying on the spiritual unity of the brotherhood of man.
To establish Spirit-inspired centres of unique education in Nova Scotia, Canada, and other sites of permanent culture, in order to prepare this world, Urantia, for the propagation of the knowledge of epochal revelations in informing us of our origin, history and destiny; and, to develop the land into food forests and garden sites in order to sustain both nutritional needs and community living - "as if in the presence of God".
To Everyone who's supporting us just know you saving a life!, Managing this work isn't an easy task but your generosity, kindness, love, support and prayers
While I no longer have the means to extend monies to everyone here who requests, know that I pray for you all each morning- to our Universe Parents who LOVE you infinitely and know all your daily needs and that they find those who can and are willing to support you all in which ever way possible..
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV
2 Corinthians 4:18 - So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Awesome, brother! And THANK YOU for bringing up the difference bw responding(positively) vs reacting(negatively)!!! I have known this for years and while I mention it to others at appropriate times, they often think they the same thing!
Well articulated, brother!