Atuyambe Solomon

Telephone: +256 7786 06647
Mobile phone: +256 7786 06647
Twitter username: Solomon Xen

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  • Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family

    Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family

    Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family by Ainamani John - Our mission is to foster a community of spiritual seekers who explore, study, and apply the teachings of the Urantia Book." We aim to create a supportive environment that encourages personal growth, spiritual transformation, and service to others."
  • Million Member Discipleship

    Million Member Discipleship

    Support for the work of Epochal Revelations and the spread of the Gospel of Jesus in this day and generation
  • Spiritual Family Network

    Spiritual Family Network

    Spiritual Family Network Administration Group
  • Urantia Europe

    Urantia Europe

    Helmut Wallner Blessed reader of the Urantia Book since 2019 - European African United
  • Urantia Africa

    Urantia Africa

    Urantia Renaissance Africa - Our Mission To bring a new and higher revelation of truth to the Continent of Africa One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it. Come and join us as we bring the new teachings to Africa fulfilling this prophecy. A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Our World is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment. This journey will bring the flame of freedom to our hearts and the light of knowledge in our eyes. Godspeed.
  • Site FAQs & How-To

    Site FAQs & How-To

    Discussions on how to use the various features of this website.