Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family's Wall

    • Ainamani John
      Ainamani John posted 10 images

      Love your neighbour as yourself; bear a grudge against no man. Whatsoever you hate do to no man. Love your brother, for the Lord has said: ‘I will love my children freely.’

      Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship

      If you love people, they will draw near you - you will have no difficulty in winning them.

    Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family

    Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family

    Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family by Ainamani John - Our mission is to foster a community of spiritual seekers who explore, study, and apply the teachings of the Urantia Book." We aim to create a supportive environment that encourages personal growth, spiritual transformation, and service to others."