Owner: Ainamani John
Group members: 2
Kamwenge Urantia Spiritual Family
Mission Statement
Our mission is to foster a community of spiritual seekers who explore, study, and apply the teachings of the Urantia Book. We aim to create a supportive environment that encourages personal growth, spiritual transformation, and service to others."
1. *Study and Exploration*: To delve into the teachings of the Urantia Book, exploring its concepts, principles, and values.
2. *Spiritual Growth and Transformation*: To provide a supportive environment for members to deepen their spiritual practice, cultivate a personal relationship with God, and experience spiritual transformation.
3. *Community Building*: To foster a sense of community and connection among members, encouraging friendship, mutual support, and cooperation.
4. *Service and Outreach*: To inspire and empower members to engage in service projects and outreach activities that promote the values of love, compassion, and service to others.
5. *Personal Development and Empowerment*: To provide opportunities for members to develop their skills, talents, and abilities, empowering them to become more effective and confident individuals.
6. *Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation*: To promote interfaith understanding, respect, and cooperation, recognizing the shared values and goals of different spiritual traditions.
7. *Leadership Development*: To identify, nurture, and develop leadership skills among members, ensuring the long-term sustainability and growth of the group.
Core Values
1. *Love and Compassion*: Embodying the values of love, compassion, and empathy in all interactions.
2. *Spiritual Growth and Transformation*: Prioritizing personal spiritual growth and transformation.
3. *Community and Connection*: Fostering a sense of community, connection, and belonging.
4. *Service and Outreach*: Embracing service and outreach as essential aspects of spiritual growth.
5. *Respect and Inclusivity*: Valuing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and respecting different perspectives and traditions..
The group leader.
+ More students are joining us very soon, everyday we receive a new member to join us.
Love your neighbour as yourself; bear a grudge against no man. Whatsoever you hate do to no man. Love your brother, for the Lord has said: ‘I will love my children freely.’
Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship
If you love people, they will draw near you - you will have no difficulty in winning them.
I am so proud because of the teachings, love, faith and truth of Christ Jesus Michael.
According to the Urantia Book, loving and sharing with our fellow friends is essential for several reasons:
Spiritual Growth
1. *Reflecting God's Love*: When we love and share with others, we reflect God's love and nature. (Paper 2, Section 5)
2. *Spiritual Progress*: Loving service to others is a key factor in spiritual growth and progress. (Paper 100, Section 4)
Building Relationships
1. *Brotherly Love*: Jesus taught the importance of brotherly love, emphasizing that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. (Paper 140, Section 5)
2. *Fostering Community*: Sharing with others helps build strong, supportive communities, which are essential for our well-being and spiritual growth.
Personal Transformation
1. *Self-Forgetfulness*: When we focus on loving and serving others, we cultivate self-forgetfulness, which is essential for spiritual transformation. (Paper 100, Section 4)
2. *Joy and Fulfillment*: Sharing with others brings joy and fulfillment, which are key aspects of a happy and meaningful life.
Universal Values
1. *Golden Rule*: The principle of loving our neighbors as ourselves is a universal value, recognized across cultures and religions. (Paper 140, Section 5)
2. *Service to Others*: Serving others is a fundamental aspect of spiritual living, reflecting our connection to the divine and our responsibility to care for one another.
By embracing these principles, we can cultivate a deeper sense of love, compassion, and service towards our fellow friends, leading to greater spiritual growth, personal transformation, and joy.
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