I completely agree, brother! The Urantia book teaches us that the Father's plan is to guide us back to him, and he has given each of us a unique role to play in his divine plan. As it says in Paper 108, Section 4.2, "The Father's plan for the salvation of his children is a plan of love, and it is carried out by the personalities of the universe who are motivated by love". But, I ask, are we truly listening to the Father's guidance and using our talents to fulfill our part in his plan, or are we allowing our own desires and fears to hold us back?
We should show love to each other, especially to truth seekers, because it promotes a sense of community and unity among us. When we love and support one another, we create a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can grow and thrive. This is especially important for truth seekers, who are often on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration. By showing love and kindness to one another, we can help to foster a sense of belonging and connection, which is essential for building strong and harmonious communities. As the Urantia book teaches, "love is the greatest of all things" (Paper 143, Section 2.2), and when we share it with others, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that can transform lives and promote positive change. By loving and supporting one another, we can build a community that is based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding, where individuals can feel valued and supported as they seek truth and wisdom.
The message about the evolution of culture is truly touching and inspiring, especially the part that says "man is a creature of the soil, a child of nature" (68:6.1). It reminds us that no matter how advanced we become, we are still connected to the earth and dependent on it for our survival. The fact that our basic struggle is for land and that our social associations are formed to win these land struggles is a powerful truth. As it says, "the land-man ratio underlies all social civilization" (68:6.2), meaning that our relationship with the land is at the foundation of our societies. This message inspires us to appreciate the importance of taking care of the earth and using our intelligence and resources to build a sustainable and harmonious relationship with nature, just as our ancestors did when they increased the land yield through the arts and sciences, and brought their population growth under control, allowing them to build a cultural civilization.