Rebel without a Clue

Rebel without a Clue

Rebel without a Clue


The rebellion papers have long fascinated me. When I think of the carnage on my world, the pain, the horror, the abuse I want to lay the bill for all this suffering at the feet of Lucifer. I have often wondered if we’d be allow to visit the world of the Father and gaze upon the rebels, as one might caged animals. I’d be very interested in seeing the face of the one who “led the worlds astray,” and who “drew down a third of the stars of Heaven.” There are a great many lessons to be drawn from this episode, and it is far from over yet.

One thing we are taught is that rebellion planets are very special, and give birth to a unique class: the Agondonters. It is easy believe in God when everything is going well and things seems to fall almost effortlessly into your lap, but it is an altogether different thing to maintain faith when the spiritual order on a planet seems to be in reverse: a world in which the wicked prosper and the righteous are crushed. In such spiritual darkness it is easy get confused and lose one’s way, to entertain, and even get lost in, spiritual doubt.

Even the authors admit that when looking upon the universe of Havona it would be reasonable to conclude that it was created and is maintained by infinitely perfect beings. However, when confronted by the endless calamities and sufferings on worlds such as ours, it might be equally reasonable to conclude that our universe was not created and managed by all wise, all powerful, and all loving beings. Under these circumstances, it is a supreme challenge to pierce the veil of delusion generated by the apparent endless suffering, confusion, and chaos and, by faith, perceive the sustaining life giving light of the Eternal God of Everlasting Perfection who is its ultimate source and who is the architect of its final destiny – the recognition of whom compels the soul to cry: “My vindicator lives!”

We are taught that there is more rejoicing among the angels over one sinner that repents than of ninety nine that have no need of repentance, and the ‘righteous’ might be understandably aggrieved that their obedience and faithfulness is not greeted with similar delight, much as the older brother in the parable of the Prodigal Son. But the return and redemption of the wayward son undoubtedly reflects the return and redemption of the wayward planets.

No doubt, there might be some cosmic resentment that such lengths have been undertaken to save the fallen planets – hard to believe though. Satania’s isolation from universe circuits is apparently a source of embarrassment. Quarantine creates a stigma, even among the heavens. In a sense, the Fallen Worlds represent the Wrong Side of the Cosmic Tracks. Things are loose and dangerous there. The values that prosper on such worlds are not such as would be acceptable among the politer society of the more illumined spheres. The survivors of those worlds have tattoos, smoke cigars, and drive motorcycles. Their accent of mind is not like the others and there is a rawness to the way they speak of God and relate to things divine that is a tad unsettling for the decent folk of the Universe.

Their love for the Father was forged in darkness and cruelty, with a minimum of guidance and support. When they speak of the Father and salvation it is with a force and eloquence seldom heard even among the angelic orders. Their love is fierce, their faith invincible, their courage sublime, their loyalty beyond question, their service inspiring. It is that way because it had to be. Nothing less would have enabled them to survive and thrive on isolated and sin darkened spheres. The spiritual fruit borne on such worlds is sweet but carries dark undertones of bitterness, and it is a rare vintage.

When such worlds are finally returned to the Father’s fold there is an understandable, sublime and divine ecstasy among the heavenly hosts that have for countless eons been consecrated to its redemption and restoration. Against the odds, a lost one has been found and returned safely, there to recommence its destiny of divinity attainment. It could have perished but it didn’t. It’s hard to imagine anything more worthy of celebration.

Among the brotherhood of divine worlds, the redemption of a wayward planet may well be viewed like the redemption of captured brethren. Our unseen celestial overseers fight for our glory. They know our divine heritage. They are jealous for us. They undoubtedly weep for our sufferings. Their hands wring with frustration for all we’ve been deprived of. They yearn without ceasing to bring us home, to establish us in peace, to nurture in us the habits of the life divine which are righteousness and joy in the truth.


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