Urantia Africa Revelation Outreach and Support Campaign

Urantia Africa Revelation Outreach and Support Campaign

 We have many Urantia Book study groups in Africa and have introduced the Urantia Revelation to thousands in Uganda, Kenya, D.R. Congo and Congo. Now we are in need of support to maintain and train Teachers and Leaders

They require funding to rent halls for the study groups to meet and help pay for transportation to many study group areas all across Uganda and the revelation is now spreading into the DRC Congo since the large Conference held in Goma DRC Congo in December 2021 and is now spreading to Kenya and into south Sudan.

 UPDATE:  All Conference Information is being posted on this Group on SFN


Please consider helping by sharing this Campaign See map of Revelation Leader Teams & Study Groups. map is at the page bottom.

All August 24-27 2022 Jinja Urantia Conference Info and Post Conference Fellowship Activities are here.

The need is urgent as many are without books. Sharing will increase the possibilities of success by up to 45%. I do not have Mailing lists so circulation is dependent upon those who see this and act by giving or sharing this Campaign. There are share links on this Campaign for Social Media or simply copy the address bar and repost on any social network. I will enable the embedding feature if you have a website. 

Monica and I have been doing all we can to help, but it is not enough. Thank you for taking the time to review this Campaign.

The funds collected on this Campaign will be used for:

  • Copying and binding papers for study group sessions.
  • Transportation for Team Leaders of the Urantia Revelation
  • Outreach Services to expand the revelation to form and maintain new study groups.
  • Conference venues and food for larger workshops seminars and study group training meetings. 
  • Assistance with the necessities of life, food, medicine, education when funds are available.
  • Data fees for the youth groups to join Urantia Zoom meetings and virtual study groups. See here and here and here
  • Please specify in the comment section on the PayPal Donate Screen if you would like your donation directed to one of the above causes.

Urantia Revelation Activities in Africa can be viewed by clicking the links in this report



Admin https://spiritualfamily.net

Or Donate on Facebook

10% funded
1511 CAD received
15 backers
1022 days left
Money Pot
15000 CAD
Dec 30, 2027
Jinja Uganda


This campaign does not offer any rewards