5th Epochal Revelation I AM Eden International Million Member Discipleship Support Campaign - From the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers we know that many other Epochal Revelations and Divine Visitations will come to the nativity sphere of our Master...
0% funded440 CAD received2 backers1370 days leftWe have many Urantia Book study groups and have introduced the Urantia Revelation to thousands in Africa. Now we are in need of support to maintain and Train Teachers and Leaders
10% funded1511 CAD received15 backers1004 days leftMy name is Nahurira Ivan from Uganda, Ibanda district Western Uganda. My parents are low income earners earning less than $1.00 a day.. At School I am currently in S6 but I am having the most hardest time at school,
0% funded0 CAD received0 backers274 days leftI Muhanguzi George as the sports director under the club. It started in 2021 with the introduction of urantia revelation in ishongororo under the the organization of Truth and Life Service Foundation.
0% funded0 CAD received0 backers274 days leftEducation Funds for 2022
29% funded230 CAD received2 backers274 days leftUganda after two years of restricted movements, and now gas prices of 10.78 CAD per UK Gal. as well as triple costs for food is now under a severe risk of starvation for many. These sudden increases in prices disrupts many of the normal ways they...
5% funded200 CAD received2 backersData Campaign for Uganda Urantia Zoom Meetings - Presentations and Conferences
2% funded60 CAD received1 backersCampaign for replacing Broken Eyeglasses chopping firewood that need replacement
0% funded0 CAD received0 backersOne team leader just reported to me:>>> Uganda is facing a severe food shortage because of extended lockdowns. Some of them they can't afford one meal in a day. They live in Darkness. I pray God to bless them since they have trust in Him
43% funded4250 CAD received19 backersHelping establish Youth Life Skills in Uganda Africa
62% funded373 CAD received5 backers