Comments on Urantia Africa Revelation Outreach and Support Campaign

Urantia Africa Revelation Outreach and Support Campaign

Urantia Africa Revelation Outreach and Support Campaign

We have many Urantia Book study groups and have introduced the Urantia Revelation to thousands in Africa. Now we are in need of support to maintain and Train Teachers and Leaders

10% funded
1511 CAD received
15 backers
1022 days left
  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-09-02 of $1,021.00 CAD was paid out by 2022-09-02 Funds were sent to help pay transportation costs  for many traveling from the far east to the far west of Uganda. (A thank you message) to the Jinja  Conference  As of 2022-09-02 PayOuts totaling $1,021.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign.SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.for the continued revelation outreach work in Africa.