Results for "The Jesus MeetUp"




    • Jeannie Vazquez

      Training of Leaders and Teachers : Spiritual Family Network

      Jesus endeavored to make clear that he desired his disciples, having tasted of the good spirit realities of the kingdom, so to live in the world that men, by&...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Urantia Art

        But religious leaders are making a great mistake when they try to call modern man to spiritual battle with the...f spiritual progress. False religions may represent an evasion of reality, but Jesus...

      • +13 more Bookmarks

      Discussion topics


        • Kirunda Sula CCM


          May the Lord bless all our beloved friends. Keep them your blood. ..roll all favour towards them ..the favour that attracts miracles like a magnet in the name of Jesus Christ

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Online Workshops ● Study Plan

            Urantia Association International Workshops  Online workshops for students of The Urantia Book about & need new leaders, spiritual men and women who will dare to depend solely on Jesus...

          • +83 more Files


            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Index of The Urantia Papers 5th Epochal Revelation of God to man.

              ​ INDEX OF THE URANTIA BOOK A New Revelation of Truth Served up to Thi...PAPER 120 - THE LIFE and TEACHINGS of JESUS PAPER 121 - THE TIMES OF M...'S BESTOWAL PAPER 122 - BIRTH AND INFANCY OF JESUS...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator


                The Urantia Book   PAPER 138   ...n on "The Kingdom," Jesus called the six apostles toget...ed themselves as belonging to Jesus' inner circle of ever-widening gulf between Jesus and his family. This situatio...the teaching and ministry of Jesus...

              • +187 more Pages

              Top-level pages

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Questions and Answers

                  Q● It's better not to pray than to pray without the spirit of...superior being. On this world Jesus was the one perfect example know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it.  ...through faith. Prayer led Jesus up to the supercommunion of h...divine as was demonstrated by Jesus....

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Welcome to Students Of The 5th Epochal Revelation

                    Group welcome message It is the hope of this gro...will dare to depend solely on Jesus and his incomparable teaching...revolt is over, the truths of Jesus’ gospel will persist know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it. The...will dare to depend solely on Jesus...

                  • +101 more Top-level pages

                  Wire posts

                    • David Onche

                      By David Onche

                      A preacher was driving home one night with his wife and two daughters in the car. It was raining and dark and because of the intensity of the rain he could hardly see past his headlights. On the way he had to drive over a huge bridge. There were...More

                      • Amule Isaac RCM

                        By Amule Isaac RCM

                        hello friends in Christ praise Jesus almighty

                      • +20 more Wire posts



                        • Paul Kemp Administrator

                          Spiritual Family Photos

                          The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the...f spiritual progress. False religions may represent an evasion of reality, but Jesus...

                          • Paul Kemp Administrator

                            Training of Leaders and Teachers

                            What a transcendent service if, through this revelation, the Son of Man should be recovered from the tomb of traditional theology and be presented as the living Jesus to the church that bears his name, and to all other religions! 

                          • +41 more Albums



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                          Wall posts

                            • Mwiri K Emmanuel

                              hello friends, greetings to you all in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ. i wish you all the best in this new week. i take this can sit for promotional exams. be blessed in the name of our lord Jesus...

                              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                                A thrilling Faith affirmation Of Jesus Christ! Is This Not Applicable To All? The Faith Of Jesus: Jesus, The Urantia Book, (133:1.4). "I am absolutely assured that the entire universe is friendly to...

                              • +363 more Wall posts




                              • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                • open group
                                • 6 members

                                Disciple Making Movement Pakistan

                                Mission Statement In obedience to the teaching of Jesus Christ, we will love God, love our neighbors, and go make disciple makers in our local communities
                              • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation
                                • open group
                                • 41 members

                                Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

                                The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.
                              • +68 more Groups
