I Am a female Ugandan who loves helping the needy. Even more so the innocent young people who are suffering orphans. We welcome any person to join us at Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga and we uplift the living standards of the orphans on the black continent.
Let us fight and we restore the happiness of the orphans in Africa and the whole world, even when you help with something little, nothing is small in the name of Jesus and we shall appreciate. If you have clothes, shelter, shoes even if second hand, financial help and other necessities of life we welcome them and it will be a great contribution. We also welcome you to come and join us and we build a great nation. Blessed the helping hand. May God bless you all.

Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga is an Orphans Centre operating in the Eastern district of Iganga in Buyanga Sub-County in Uganda-Africa. it was started in 2015 by Naigaga Naume following the suffering and the unbearable condition that the African orphan children were going through.
She is an agricultural woman who decide to commit the little resources to liberate and at the same time restore the happiness of the orphans on the black continent. Following her operation, the organisation was registered with the local governed and it obtained certificate of registration in 2017.
We noticed the need to serve God and helping the needy is one of the ways to serve God. We grow different crops in order to make these kids survive and as an attempt to meet their needs. however, with the increasing number of orphans in the organisation, the resources became limited and we were unable to provide the orphans with the best needs.
On that note therefore, we call upon our dear friends all over the world and those willing to serve the lord plus all individuals, organisation among others who feel concerned about the life and well being of the orphaned African child to come and join us at Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga.
We advocate for a change in the living conditions of the orphans. They are in need of food, shelter, medical care, education among other basic needs in human nature. God is love and together for a better life of he orphaned African child. Be blessed in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For help, use Western Union, Money Gram or World Remit.
For the Money Gram and Western Union details are.
Name: Naigaga Naume.
Country: Uganda.
District: Iganga.
subcounty: Buyanga.
For World Remit,
Phone: Number +256775059722
Name: Naigaga Naume
This is a community based organization operating from the eastern district of Iganga in Uganda, Africa. Its offices are located at Lubira village in Lubira Parish in Buyanga Sub-County in Iganga (Uganda, Africa). The organization was established purposely to help the orphaned African children and vulnerable children on the black continent. In Africa and Uganda in particular, there are a number of orphaned children whose parents died of HIV/AIDS, Ebola, among other diseases, other orphans are victims of war, refugees to mention but a few. Its upon such a background that the organization was put into exixstance to liberate the orphaned African children from misery. It is a registered community based organization with the local government of Uganda and as a result, it was given a certificate of registration by the local government of Uganda. The organization was started by Naigaga Naume and she is the current director assisted by Kabweru Kenneth Ivan. All having face book accounts at this moment.
The orphanage started in 2015 with a small number of children. By that time, the children were very few and as the members we were able to meet their needs. As time went on, the number of children increased and it was in 2016 that we put this online and started requesting for help from the outside world.
The organization was established to uplift and ensure the good living standards of the orphans and to enable them acquire quality education. Its major source of funds is agriculture. We grow different crops like maize, groundnuts, pumpkins, tomatoes among others but due to the fact that it is not a source of income to rely on, we welcome donation from people all over the world
Phone number: +256775059722/ +256774758108
Facebook Page: Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga
The organization engage in the following activities
1) Empower the care givers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs)
2) To save orphans from frustrational conditions or engagements and all sorts of risks to their lives.
3) Capacity building to communities in order to direct them objectively
4) Spiritual evangelism.
5) To restore joy, care and love among the orphans and vulnerable children.
6) To improve on the health status of the orphans and vulnerable children.
Naigaga Naume Director +256775059722
Kabweru Kenneth Ivan Assistant director +256774758108
Maganda Wilber Moblizer +256786731880
Mugonzi Judith Projects coordinator +256789196365
Kyakoba Teddy Children Trainer +256752740691
Mudondo Peruse Matron +256754618949
Nabirye joy Choir mistress +256754784304
Naikwanga Joan F
Naimwaga Yobu M
Logose Karen F
Kaziba Solomon M
Kaziba Sanon M
Namayinde Rauthat F
Kisige Sare M
Nkaire Souce M
Nabaigwa Sandra F
Wanzige Reagan M
Nangobi Shanitah F
Nangobi Shirat F
Mutesi Erina F
Nangobi Peruse F
Mutesi Elizabeth F
Maganda fahad M
Nakayima tahia F
Nfaki Samuel M
Balaba Wilson M
Nabwire Olivia F
Osaka Gerald M
Muwaya James M
Kakaire Abu M
Kakaire Alamanzan M
Naigulu Racheal F
Wakibi Eria M
Nabirye Mwamini F
Bulage Aisha F
Balisengawa Isaac M
Mutesi Sophie F
Maganda Elukamu M
Nabakooza Retisha F
Nabawanika Shakirah F
Namaganda Hasifah F
Nabirye Mirabu F
Kikaire Yisa M
Kirunda Bumali M
Let us fight and we restore the happiness of the orphans in Africa and the whole world, even when you help with something little, nothing is small in the name of Jesus and we shall appreciate. If you have clothes, shelter, shoes even if second hand, financial help and other necessities of life we welcome them and it will be a great contribution. We also welcome you to come and join us and we build a great nation. Blessed the helping hand. May God bless you all.
You can send financial and material support to these children.
We can receive financial support via western union, money gram, world remit or wave.
Here are the details for the director
Name: naigaga naume
Country: Uganda
City: iganga
Phone number: +256775059722
Postal address: Hope Orphans Centre Iganga PO BOX 2026, Iganga
We can also receive material support and one can send them to our postal office address here
Name of the organization: Hope Orphans Centre Iganga
Continent: Africa
Country: Uganda
District: iganga
Sub count: buyanga
Contact person: naigaga naume
Phone number: +256775059722
Postal address: Hope Orphans Centre Iganga PO BOX 2026, Iganga
Naigaga naume is a female Ugandan born in 1969 from Bulange in Namutumba district. She is a primary teacher by profession and a farmer by career. She holds a grade III certificate in education from bishop wills primary teachers college. she was the first born of Mr. Ntende and Mrs. Namukose who died who naume was still young. She has got three sisters and they lived an orphaned life. The father died when Naume had just finished senior two and the mother died two years after the death of her father. From then, she had to pause a bit with her studies and take care for the young sisters.
These sisters did not go far with education as they were not living in a life which is not good and they got married at early ages.
After she joined Bishop Wills PTC for a grade III certificate. Currently she is the director of Hope Orphans Centre Iganga which she founded in 2015 to care for orphans.
He is a Ugandan national born in 1994. He holds a certificate in information technology from platinum ICT and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Nsaka University majoring in Accounting. He currently works with JK Computer Service Centre and is the assistant director of the organization.
He is currently the assistant director of the organization.
The organization cares for 38 people of whom 36 are children from the age of two years to 17, one lame man and one old woman. All the children are in primary level except one girl who is in secondary. These children depend of us for food, shelter, water, clothes, medical care, and education among others.
The Hope Orphans Centre Iganga orphanage has got a permanent home. this home was established with the help of our friends who contributed little by little. the children started living happily in their new home in January 2019 although they are not yet finished.
This place has got two permanent blocks. the first block has a room for boys and another room for boys, the second has the eating rooms and the store.
The children at Hope Orphans Centre Iganga (HOCI) get their food from well-wishers and at times from the gardens,
The crops in the garden are at times destroyed by sunshine more especially during the period between November and March. During this period, there is no any single crop that can grow due to a lot of sunshine that we experience.
However there is no one in our country who can help these children with food. They are basically dependent on donations to live.
The organization has a number of ongoing school children.
These children get their school fees from the well wishers and at times we get it for them after a serious struggle.
The children move 2 kilometers every morning to reach the nearby school. The quality of education that they get from this school is of low quality as we put aside the long distance that they move every day.
On matters concerning academics, the teachers at this school are ever on strike due to their dissatisfaction with the government. This limits their concentration in class and the children continues to perform very poor.
In the area, there is only one health centre called Lubira Health Centre III which is located 3 kilometers away from the area. This is a state owned enterprise and the doctors are always on strike and absent.
When one goes to visit the doctor, if you get a chance to find one there, the medicine will never be there.
Therefore, it is best to start a new clinic in the area.
On matters pertaining to spirituality, the knowledge of God and His son Jesus Christ is very low. There are no churches within the area. We move about 2 kilometer to reach the nearby church for prayers. I think it is high time that we reach them with the pure Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The area does not have clean water for drinking. People are using the waters that are running or the stagnant waters for drinking. This is causing a lot of disease. Some of them wash their clothes in these waters and still drink the same waters.
There are cases of fistula among women and girls in the area. When a woman is giving birth, it can result in a small tear in her bladder. The woman or girl is unable to control her urine. Oftentimes, these women become outcasts. however, various organizations have stepped in to help but still some of them are very poor to the extend that they reach hospitals where they can be treated from.
There are many cases of HIV/AIDS in the area. This is normally a sexually transmitted disease. One acquires it through blood contact with an effected person. It’s not true that everyone who acquires it has ever got involved in such practices; some get it by sharing sharp instruments, in accidents and some medical workers can make these children affected by the disease
Education and termly school fees: Normally, the home has continuously provided proper education through sending the gathered children under our care to school as most of the children are in primary that have been supported in both government schools and others being sponsored to attend private school as well as educational scholastic materials. The Centre has continued to provide termly fees to children under our care without stopping. However, the challenge is that sometimes resources are not enough to cover up all the termly fees in time. Besides, the children move a long distance of 2 kilometers to reach the nearby school.
Continuous provision of scholastic materials. It is to our concern that every child deserves a right to access to scholastic materials to release his/her God- Given talent into good use. Normally, we have managed to continuously provide scholastic materials like books, pens and mathematical sets e.t.c before the beginning of every new term for the children to return back to school. The Centre has managed to provide a few school bags to some children under our care in addition to the scholastic materials. However, the challenge is that at the home, there is limited reading materials say holiday packages, text books and reading charts hence the thinking capacity of the children under our care as well as uplifting their performance to the top.
On the issue of playing materials; the home has managed to get a few play materials say dolls and balls though there is still limited / less materials for the children to use say netball, volley ball, chess, board games among others as the bible says let the little children enjoy while still young because when one grows, among things change.
Continuous provision of basic needs; The organization has continued to provide basic needs of life to the needy children and widows in the community since the Centre started up to date. These include toothpaste, soap, petroleum body jerry and among other items that are useful to the daily human life.
Continuous provision of clothing and shoes; As every after a term spent at school, the children at the home are provided with new clothing and shoes as those that they have been using get tone and cannot be repaired time after time unless replaced with new ones. The Centre has managed to provide 32 pairs of school shoes and 32 sandles to the needy children at home. We most times appeal to the good Samaritans with a giving heart to contribute the little they have to make this happen as this is now the biggest challenge at home amidst absence of enough funds to cater for the children’s clothing and shoes.
Continuous feeding of the children at the home: Normally on a daily basis, the home provides a well-spaced/balanced meal from breakfast, lunch to supper/ dinner) to the protected children under our care for a better health living. However, the challenge has been that, the home still lacks enough funds to purchase timely foodstuffs that are prepared at the home as sometimes meals are skipped to reach every child in the community.
Purchase of tables and chairs. The Centre has managed to acquire 5 plastic chairs and a big a big office counter and six benches that is being used by the children to have their meals in a comfortable environment. We thank God for what we have at the home even though we still need more tables and plastic chairs to cater for the available and ever increasing number of needy children that are being identified everyday within the community.
Community visits; The Centre has continuously visited community members especially the widows and single mothers as well as elderly people in a way of giving them hope and courage to live a happy life. This has been done in a way to provide relief help in terms of food stuffs, moral support among others.
Clean-up outreachesNormally, the home carries out communal work and gives back to the community through a sensitization program carried out by our team and the few volunteers at the home. This has contributed a positive change in the few homes that have been reached out too for example caring for the widows and elderly who are in the community where the home is being located as these are no longer in position to cater for their needs and cannot even wash for themselves since they have no one around them to care for them.
Identifying and registering new children. Normally, the children’s home management has continued to identify new orphans especially those in the alarming state who are mostly without caretakers or guardians these include Nabaigwa Sandra, Nkaire Souce Peter, Wanzige Reagan, and Nangobi Shanita. Despite of the challenges, we have managed to reach at least a quite a number of the children who need in different aspects of life as every child deserves the best in life and for a vast happy future.
The Centre has managed to purchase another piece of land on addition to the one acre that was purchased in 2018 in preparation for the expansion of the home that will be more spaced to cater for the children who are under our care and also the proposed projects for the organization. The land purchased stretches 95 fits in by 135 fits and it is located adjacent the organization. This land has been also used for agriculture as we prepare to construct new structures.
Introduction of income generating projects
The Centre has managed to establish new projects to help in raising extra incomes that are used to cater/cover other expenditures that may be encountered in the due course and also to try achieving self sustainability. However, there have been a number of challenges faced while managing these projects.
These projects include;
Chicken project; The organization has managed to rear a few chickens which are local in breed. They are 159 in number with an aim of getting eggs for the children and also to generate income for the organization to meet the unexpected expanses and also needs of the children under our care. However, these birds are being attacked by diseases and some thieves who were threatening us, good enough we managed to get a security guard who is providing us with security during the night hours.
Vegetable growing; The Centre has established a small demonstration plot on the newly purchased land where different varieties are being grown on the piece of land as a way to add on food supply that is mostly purchased from the market. These vegetables ranges from egg plants, sukuma wiki and solnum that have been grown for the children’s balanced deity while at the home.
Tree planting; In response to climate change, the Centre has embarked on tree planting on the purchased land as a way to preserve the environment and the earth at large as climate change cases are so rampant all around the world. We believe that the trees planted especially the fruit trees will be of great use to the children as at the same time will be providing shades during seasons and wind breakers during rainy season.
Crop growing; Despite the little space we have for agriculture, the organization has managed to hire pieces of land and grow a number of crops. We hired two acres of land for four years and grew a few food and root crops say ground nuts, sweet potatoes, cassava and maize. However there is a challenge of unfavorable climatic conditions say drought which was experienced for some months. Under this period, crop growing goes to a standstill
1. The organization has registered significant achievements amidst the many challenges it faces and not limited too;-
2. First and foremost, the children move a long distance of nearly 2 kilometers to reach the nearby school. This is a very long distance to moved by a child of three years to move every morning and evening. We are of the view to establish a foundation school such that the children under our care get education right from the centre.
3. There is limited reading and school materials for example holiday packages, monthly packages, books among others of the children under our care especially to those who are being sponsored to attend school.
4. Limited monthly necessities/ basic needs at the Centre is a challenge despite of the efforts being used to aid in the supply of basic needs of life
5. Insufficient medication at the Centre that is carried out on weekly and monthly basis but this has been limited due to absence of enough funds to cover the costs of both medical check-up and treatment.
6. Limited playing materials and playing uniforms for the protected children at the home for example absence of both netball and footballs for the children, game boards among others all to enhance the thinking capacity of these children.
7. Absence of land for expansion on farming and animal rearing
8. Inadequate funding to pay workers
9. Lacks of enough office stationary as well as office requirements say computer, bookshelf and other materials.
10. Absence of organization website to update on the ongoing organization projects.
11. There of prolonged drought that makes our crops sometimes to dry up while still in the garden immature.
12. Floods experienced at the end of the year which has destroyed everything and let us in misery.
Crop growing
We are of the view to hire five acres of land to grow more food and vegetables so as to ensure food security.
Establishing a foundation school (Hope Junior School)
This has been considered vital as an attempt to cut off the children under our care from moving a long distance of nearly 2 kilometers to reach the nearby school. For more about this, refer to the hope junior school proposal.
Poultry farm
We are of the view to establish a soundable project that will be dealing in the rearing of chicken for commercial purposes so as to attain self-sustainability of the organization. See the budget below;
One Day Old Chicks 1,000 3,700,000 1,057
Feeds 1000 4,000,000 1,142
Poultry House 5 2,000,000 571
Feeders 50 250,000 71
Drinkers 50 400,000 114
TOTAL 10,350,000 2,957
As an attempt to ensure that the children will be able to sustain themselves after here, we plan to establish a skilling centre that will equip with the children the vast skills for survival in the future. Hair dressing, tailoring and fashion design, computer skills, art and craft will be equipped with the children under our care.
We are expecting to plaster our home and do the finishing
For any kind of help, you can send it physically or via these channels
Mobile money, posta, money gram, wave transfer, express money, western union, world remit PayPal money pool or any other global money transfer service.
Name : Naigaga Naume
Country : Uganda
City : Iganga
Mobile Number : +256775059722
Posta Number : P.O Box 2036, Iganga
Name : Kabweru Kenneth Ivan
Country : Uganda
City : Buwama
Mobile Number : +256774758108
Posta Number : PO Box 2036, Iganga
Thank You So Much. May God Bless You and the Work of Your Hands
HOPE JUNIOR SCHOOL (Foundation school)
Finding an answer to ignorance, diseases and poverty in the needy Africa
GOAL: $14,592
To be spent in
Construction of buildings: $12,307
Licensing of the school: $857
Other facilities: $1,428
Hope Junior School will be a foundation nursery and primary school located at Lubira village along Idudi-Busembatia road just 500 meters off the main road after Bumoozi Police Post in Buyanga Sub-County, Iganga District (Uganda) Africa.
In the area, the only school found nearby is located 2 kilometers far away from the orphanage. This is a long distance to be moved by a child of three years every day. This has made many poor children in the area to forget about education, on addition to that, the school doesn’t offer quality education as teachers are ever on strikes for low salary.
After an intensive research for guite a long period,the founders of Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga (HOCI), we so that there is a high need for high quality performance in education sector in Lubira parish and Buyende District at large. The education sector has really lacked people who are active in education that is why we had to come up with such an idea to develop the minds of the needy community.
For the beginning, Hope Junior School will start from nursery to primary four and we shall continue with the next class year after year. This is because we want to build a good and academically soundable foundation school in the region and Uganda at large.
Since God is head leadership, Hope Junior School is setup on church basis and we are of a view to have pastors teaching children the Christian faith.
Hope Junior School is setup to bring the education services near and also to offer free education to the needy community of Uganda.Many orphans in the area have failed to get education to to lack of school fees and facilities plus the long distances that they move to reach the nearby school, so to curb that, we had to start a better service provider that the community is lacking.
As complete, for more information about this project, contact us on
Email: hopeorphanscentre@gmail.com/hopeorphansc@gmail.com
Phone number: +256775059722/+256774758108/+256754676232
WhatsApp: +256774758108
Vision: To be a Christian Centre of Excellence in the Holistic Education.
Mission: To develop God fearing, responsible, creative and self reliant citizens through intensive and interactive learning.
- To offer free education to the needy community
- To provide a high quality performance in both education and sports and games in the community and beyond at large.
- To develop God fearing pupils for Uganda of tomorrow.
- To be an example to other inn producing high performance in both education games and sports..
- To develop self reliant citizen of the community through teaching pupils entrepreneurship skills and knowledge.
- To develop pupils talents both in sports and music dance and drama (MDD)to develop a strong relationship between school and community at large.
Taking great concern on the problem in the community, we came up with some principles and rules on which the business stands.
- We employ fully qualified teachers in order to produce better services.
- Evaluation of books of accounts has to be done every Saturday when the director, treasurer and the bursar are there.
- No personal influence in the school without consulting from the board.
- Offering free education to the poor African children who have failed to get education.
- Reduction in the level of illiteracy in community and country at large,
- Creation of market to the people
- Creation of employment opportunities like teachers cooks etc.
- Development of infrastructures like our new building.
- Provision of better quality services to the community.
- We are to employ a head teacher holding a diploma in education from a recognized university.
- A qualified deputy head teacher.
- A qualified accountant from any recognized institution in Uganda
- All teachers to be employed should be grade three holders from nursery and primary.
- We are to employ one cook, a watch man and one water man
Construction of Buildings
Roofing Timber
Thanks for the good work you are all doing, may God bless you always, we shall keep you in our prayers.
Let God do for you a miracle.