Results for "No Food"

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    • Marissa Bodden

      Index Page of Projects

      ...takes many wheels to keep things spinning properly. There are costs for food, clothing, shelter, hygiene p...e such as if a child becomes sick or is injured, or an immediate need of food.  You can donate on P...

      • Susan M Sesay

        Fundraising Project Page Office and Mini-Tailoring

        ..., confident women. These girls often have a rough start in life. We exist to be a safe-haven for them to come to in time of need, to be able to get food and shelter if needed, and to...

        • i Witness NEWS

          The Coming Collapse

          ...pment organizations, local currencies, alternative political parties and food cooperatives, will have to be...elves. Basic services, from garbage collection to public transportation, food distribution and health care,...

          • Billy John Waiswa

            Fundraiser for Children's School fees at His Grace Children's Home

            Youth in Act-Uganda        Dear brethren, greetings to you all. With much pleasure, I would like to appreciate all the g...

            • Hope and Rescue Missions International

              Funding Campaign

              ...n things that should be available to someone in order for life to go on. Food is always number one. Most pe...needs world lose hope and they think of a way to survive of the lack of food. Tears come, hope ends and su...

              • Hope and Rescue Missions International


                ...s in secondary. These children depend of us for food, shelter, water, clothes, med...pace is very small for these children.  Food The children at Hope Orpha...nly very few are sharing mattresses  5. Food at times is scarce and very e...

                • Andera Sylivia

                  An Appeal to the Good Samaritans of the World from Hope Home Orphans Center

                  ...sion to the good Samaritans of the world. This is essential for finding the support the children require for education and the necessities of life, food, clothing, housing etc.. S...

                  • Mukisa Ronald

                    Hope for Children in Crisis Ministry Uganda Fundraising -Hello dear friends, family and prayer partners!

                    ...e count down is still on and we are left with five days to the celebration, though we haven't got the needs met yet. The children need #Food, #clothes, #Shoes,&...

                    • Robert Walugosi

                      Thank You for your support

             the School Systems of Jinja, Uganda. We are in need also to buy food at the orphanage that will pr...he spices and cooking oil we require for the month. This is the cheapest food that is available, which is m...

                      • Marissa Bodden

                        2019 Trip to Africa

                        ...backs, and was barely able to provide them with food. We have come a long way sinc...he widows with farming techniques, as they grow food for the children to eat. We w...a living for their wives and children, putting food on their tables by constructi...