Results for "I Love Youuuuuuu"

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    • Niwamanya Onesmas

      Wednesday zoom meeting study on the Urantia Spiritual Brotherhood zoom m...or status, but from living a life of love, compassion, and service to o...religion is about experiencing God's love and sharing it with others, the transformative power of love and...

      • Soren K Vestergaard

        Dear beloved friend, As of today, we have shipped 60 Urantia Books to Uganda, and we pray that these books will...s message to certain responsive individuals. That would be such a great help! Love and...

        • Soren K Vestergaard

          More Urantia Books on Their Way to Uganda! We are now working with a mighty organization, and if this is successful, 200 copies of The Urantia Book could soon be on their way to Southwest Uganda. We'll keep you updated! Love, Soren

          • Akanyijuka Lucky

            The grace of God beautifies its wearer. The grace of GOD displays the purity of the obedient life of the wearer....ans living in the full Light of Him, vulnerable yet trusting that by faith His Love alwa...

            • Cheryl Boyles

              Hello dear spiritual family! It is an honor and a privilege to be among you here on this wonderful network. Pleas...I value each and every human connection that our Father brings my way. May his love and...