Urantia Sharing's Wall

    • Soren K Vestergaard

      Dear beloved friend,

      As of today, we have shipped 60 Urantia Books to Uganda, and we pray that these books will find the hearts of those who hunger for advanced truth!

      Our next shipment will be on July 31, 2024, and we have already sought help from the Urantia Book Fellowship and the Urantia Foundation to make this happen. We now await their decision. We have also reached out to certain individuals who might be able to help—fingers crossed!

      If you like what we are doing and cannot contribute financially, we would be very happy if you would resend this message to certain responsive individuals. That would be such a great help!

      Love and Peace,

      • Niwamanya Onesmas
        By Niwamanya Onesmas

        This is a wonderful initiative! Soren's dedication to sharing the Urantia Book's teachings with others, especially in Uganda, is truly inspiring. The enthusiasm and love for the book's message shine through in this message. It's great to see people coming together to spread spiritual knowledge and promote personal growth. Wishing Soren and the team all the best for their future shipments and endeavors! May the books find their way into the hearts of those seeking truth and wisdom.

      • Soren K Vestergaard
        By Soren K Vestergaard

        Dearest Brother Onesmas,

        Remember, all these shipments to various parts of the world are only possible because of receptive individuals like yourself on the receiving end!

    Urantia Sharing

    Urantia Sharing

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