Cheryl Boyles


Intro: Jesus follower, 24-year Urantia Book reader/student, screenwriter

About Me

About me

I am the writer/creator of the projected The Son Of Man TV Series. I am from Southern California, now living with my husband, Thomas, just south of Tucson, Arizona. We both read and study the Urantia Book and are dedicated to lifting up the life and teachings of Jesus, both through our own lives, and through the television film series we are working to create. 

My Contact

Mobile phone: (760) 508-2871
Twitter username: @thesonofman_tv

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  • The Son Of Man TV Series Project

    The Son Of Man TV Series Project

    It is our mission to bring the Life and Teachings of Jesus, as depicted in Part IV of the Urantia Book, to life on screen through a dramatized television film series entitled The Son Of Man, and in so doing, to reveal the Master as he lived and taught on earth to a broad and diverse audience.
  • Million Member Discipleship

    Million Member Discipleship

    Support for the work of Epochal Revelations and the spread of the Gospel of Jesus in this day and generation
  • Site FAQs & How-To

    Site FAQs & How-To

    Discussions on how to use the various features of this website.
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