The Son Of Man TV Series Project

Owner: Cheryl Boyles

Group members: 16


The Son Of Man TV Series Project

The Son Of Man TV Series Project has been in the works since October of 2019. The actual writing of the scripts began in June of 2020. Thus far, two full seasons (comprising 15 episodes) have been scripted and are ready for production. A total of 48-64 episodes (6 - 7 seasons) are projected.

For a more in-depth look at how this project came about, read here: Jesus TV Series

Our immediate goal is to raise funds and assemble a production team to produce the pilot episode, “Joshua ben Joseph.”  For an inside look at my approach to organizing, structuring, and writing this series, please enjoy this visual presentation

For our Mission Statement, Goals for the project, service opportunities, and other details, please visit our website 

We are overjoyed to be here! Please join us in seeking the Father’s will for this project, and that we may wisely undertake to do none other than his will. If you are guided to join our efforts in more concrete ways, we would be delighted to have you on board.

Brief description: It is our mission to bring the Life and Teachings of Jesus, as depicted in Part IV of the Urantia Book, to life on screen through a dramatized television film series entitled The Son Of Man, and in so doing, to reveal the Master as he lived and taught on earth to a broad and diverse audience.


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The Son Of Man TV Series Project

The Son Of Man TV Series Project

It is our mission to bring the Life and Teachings of Jesus, as depicted in Part IV of the Urantia Book, to life on screen through a dramatized television film series entitled The Son Of Man, and in so doing, to reveal the Master as he lived and taught on earth to a broad and diverse audience.

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