The Son of Man TV Series Campaign

The Son of Man TV Series Campaign

It is our mission to bring The Life and Teachings of Jesus, as depicted in Part IV of The Urantia Book, to life onscreen through a dramatized television film series entitled The Son Of Man, and in so doing, to reveal the Master, as he lived and taught on earth, to a broad and diverse audience. This fundraising campaign is for the purpose of producing the pilot episode, Joshua ben Joseph.

Why are we doing this? Because our world is in serious trouble. Our institutions are collapsing, while climate change, pandemics, and widely devastating wars threaten our mortal existence. The answer to these problems lies within a spiritual paradigm shift that begins with an elevated understanding of who we are in relationship with God and toward one another, and why these relationships matter above anything else in time and eternity.

There has never before been a film series of this impactful spiritual nature, covering the birth of Jesus, his childhood and young adulthood, the growth of his own faith and divinity realization, the replete Urantia revelation of his masterful teachings, and how he sent back his Spirit of Truth to live in us to guide us in the way of light and life. 

While institutional science and religion—both very much lacking a high standard of spiritual values—fail before the bar of human need, there yet remains a virtually untapped gift to our planet whose life and teachings—as greatly expanded and restated by the Urantia revelation—have the power to reignite our hopes and empower our destiny by the faith-discovery that God is our Father and we are all his sons and daughters—on another’s spiritual siblings.

Please prayerfully consider making a donation to help us in this momentous endeavor to bring Jesus’ life and teachings to life onscreen. No amount is too small. You have our most sincere gratitude. 

For more information on The Son Of Man television series project, please visit:




0% funded
0 CAD received
0 backers
179 days left
Money Pot
16500 CAD
Dec 30, 2024
Green Valley, Arizona


    • Cheryl Boyles

      Cheryl Boyles

      Jesus follower, 24-year Urantia Book reader/student, screenwriter

    This campaign does not offer any rewards