The Son Of Man TV Series Project's Wall

    • Akanyijuka Lucky
      Akanyijuka Lucky

      The grace of God beautifies its wearer.
      The grace of GOD displays the purity of the obedient life of the wearer. By obedience we are cloaked in holy radiance of a holy upright life surrendered to GOD. Living in The Truth means living in the full Light of Him, vulnerable yet trusting that by faith His Love always holds us up in His standard and we stand honestly and humbly in the glorious rays of our nakedness. Of such, the pure coverings of The Messiah grace us with His Godly character as a cloak of many colorful attributes, and all of the righteous honors bestowed in The Fathers delight!
      (Titus 2:11-15)

    The Son Of Man TV Series Project

    The Son Of Man TV Series Project

    It is our mission to bring the Life and Teachings of Jesus, as depicted in Part IV of the Urantia Book, to life on screen through a dramatized television film series entitled The Son Of Man, and in so doing, to reveal the Master as he lived and taught on earth to a broad and diverse audience.