Cheryl Boyles's Wall

    • Cheryl Boyles
      Cheryl Boyles shared a link

      Hello dear spiritual family! It is an honor and a privilege to be among you here on this wonderful network. Please forgive me if I am not able to reply to every personal message in a timely manner as I am working long hours researching and writing the scripts for The Son Of Man television series, as well managing our website and doing promotional work on social media, etc. You are all extremely important to me and I value each and every human connection that our Father brings my way. May his love and light surround each of you — in your lives and in your blessed service to the kingdom brotherhood on Urantia.

      You are most welcome to join our group, The Son Of Man TV Series Project:

      The Son Of Man TV Series Project :: SpiritualFamily.Net

      Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind

      Cheryl Boyles

      Cheryl Boyles

      Jesus follower, 24-year Urantia Book reader/student, screenwriter