Results for "God's New Life Healing Ministry"

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    • Monica Kemp

      Reply on topic: The Passing of 2017 and the New Year 2018 at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage

      Dearest Mugerwa and your noble working co-workers, Such a beautiful letter this is, and please know that your appreciation for however little I have given, however much...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        John 17:20-21-22, it says I am not asking on behalf of them alone.

        Living Hope Foundation Children's Ministry       When you read from John 17:20-21-22, it says I am not asking on behalf of them alone, but als...

        • Mukwana Abdallah Jr. LHFU

          Necessities of Living

          Necessities of Living    Food and clean water are not discretionary expenses! These are basic necessities! Healthcare is not a discretionary expense...

          • Keren Carter

            An appeal for help by the director of a children's charity in Uganda

            Children's Charity I am posting this message on for this children's ministry in Uganda Africa....used to help us in our dialy life. Unfortunately after a short...n our side because we thought life ha...could pray to Jesus everyday. Life moved on like that, I was on Face...

            • Keren Carter

              An appeal for help by Namulondu Justine the director of a children's charity in Uganda

              ...of God’s Love and Care Ministr...her things that are needed in life. I started the project some three years ago in 2015 life has not been good, we had no dono...s so we have 37 people at the ministry. We have challenges as most get us those needs for our ministry. Note: we are fully regist...

              • Wandira Ramathan

                An appeal for help by Wandira Ramathan

                An Appeal for your Help! My name is Wandira Ramathan a Ugandan by nat...r widows. He used to help us in our dialy life. Unfortunately after a short...especially on our side because we thought life ha...good but we could pray to Jesus everyday. Life mov...

                • Mwandha Julius

                  An Appeal for Help by Numulondo Justine

                  Children's Charity   I Am the Director of God’s Love and Care Ministry Bugiri- Uganda. My name i...her things that are needed in life. I...some three years ago in 2015 life has not been good, we had no dono...s so we have 37 people at the ministry. We have challenges as most o...

                  • Kimberly  Simmons

                    Who are The Good Samaritans

                    If ANY of you want to make a difference, in any of these Babies lives, they need it!...ildren. Hope for Children in Crisis Ministr...ssisting those willing to offer the necessities of life and the possibility of education...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      The secret of attaining happiness.

                      The only secret of attaining happiness is to learn how to appreciate our privileges in life. If we cultivate that sense of appreciation we...s open to appreciate every little privilege in life, t...inually developing the faculty of appreciating life and...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        The Impartiality Of The Universe Is Absolutely Sure!

                        The Impartiality Of The Universe Is Absolutely Sure! The shorter days and longer nights b...ty. Beloved,As you are motoring along the highway of life, t...drawn closer to his lane than our own.And so it goes in life as...