Results for "Jesus You are the Way to the Father"


    • i Witness NEWS

      The Responsibility of Wealth

      Planetary Crises - Economic Slavery Be Informed of the Dang...became greatly interested in Jesus' teaching, having been this wealthy citizen asked Jesus what he would do with wealth...was not fully satisfied with Jesus' answer. He made bold to...your fellows." When Jesus...

      • Pato Banton

        Our Mission Statement 2017 - 2018

        Our Mission Statement 2017-2018 By Ministers Pato Bant...amp; other countries Spread the Good News about the Fatherhood of God & the Family online courses: Course 1. Ambassadors for Our Father’s Kingdom ~ Completed...

        • Pato Banton

          Go To God! ~ A Message from Antoinette Rootsdawtah

          ...s and the iThat and tune into the Father”. Once you do that eve...oblem solving I have learned from Jesus, your Master. I refer to that...pful meditation. In this habit of Jesus’ going off so frequently by himself to commune with the Father in heaven is to be found the...

          • Amule Isaac RCM

            Sponsor a Child's Education in Uganda

            ...toration Of God's Glory Church Children's Ministry ● RCM Jesus said "l am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the father expect through me"  ...

            • Amule Isaac RCM

              Requesting to allow Restoration of God’s Glory Church Children’s Ministry to establish a Fundraising event for the purchase of the Ministry land.(with YouCaring)

              ...toration Of God's Glory Church Children's Ministry ● RCM Jesus said "l am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the father expect through me"  ...

              • Amule Isaac RCM

                women's conference blog

                                &...John 14 Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father and it is enough for us?" "Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?"...

                • Amule Isaac RCM

                  Women's Conference Blog

                  Women's Conference Too often, as women, we liv...John 14 Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father and it is enough for us?" "Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?"...

                  • Kirunda Sula CCM


                    THANKSGIVING   O Lord when I look at how   far you have brought where I am, my tears&...ur purpose as I am waiting to dry my tears.    THANK  YOU JESUS...

                    • Hope and Rescue Missions International


                      The life that we live in Africa These children require the good will of the good Samaritans of the world to...      I greet you all in the mighty name of our lord Jesus...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand manifest

                        ...stirred during the times when Jesus walked with men. Take heed of...the high spiritual concept of Jesus, who proclaimed that the king...m is the will of his heavenly Father dominant and transcendent in...thinking men. The kingdom as Jesus conceived it has to a large ex...