Our Mission Statement 2017 - 2018

    Pato Banton
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    By Pato Banton Comments (1)

    Our Mission Statement 2017-2018

    By Ministers Pato Banton & Antoinette “Roots Dawtah” Hall

    1. Through the vehicle of Positive Reggae Music, tour across the USA & other countries Spread the Good News about the Fatherhood of God & the Family of Mankind, while planting the seeds of Advanced Truth on stage, and through all available media channels, like Facebook, Youtube, iTunes, etc. 

    “Fans-Friends-Family”  https://www.facebook.com/MinisterPatoBanton 

    2. Make The Urantia Book and The Words Of Christ visible & available at our concerts. As well as introducing these beautiful teachings to a new generation of sincere Truth Seekers while encouraging them to create regular study groups and new circles of fraternity. 

    https://www.reverbnation.com/patobantonandthenowgeneration/album/96168-the-words-of-christ-box-set (Free Download)

    3. Through Prayer Circles (before or after our concerts) bring our fans of diverse religious beliefs together in Spiritual Unity, while at the same time encouraging and enabling spiritual motivation and regeneration. Openly (public service) and discretely (secret service) minister to the real needs of our brothers and sisters through Loving Service whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself. 

    4. Host Global Urantia Gatherings in the UK, Africa,  Japan, Taiwan, Korea and the USA to expand the “readership” & encourage the “leadership” in those regions.


    5. Host a weekly Urantia Study Group every Monday at 6pm PST at our home in Lake Elsinore, California and also make this study session available to people worldwide through the ZOOM video conferencing tool. You can join us here: https://zoom.us/j/481726366 

    6. Establish a Global Network of Ministers for Christ Michael with the hope of inspiring a new generation of Spiritual Teachers who will continue the work our Master originally desired to implement 2000 years ago, while at the same time establishing a support network of Ministry designed to provide the ministerial needs and services of the people within our local communities. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&oe=UTF8&vps=2&msa=0&ie=UTF8&authuser=0&mid=1idGEbFvuRZQyoZiMy6wuXEQ8CC0&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C10.928948999999989&z=1

    7. EDUCATION: 

    a) School Outreach to inspire young people and children of all ages through music and motivational speaking. 

    b) Creative Curriculum and specific educational courses for new readers to enable and assist them in demonstrating their growing understanding of The Urantia Book. So far we have completed the following online courses:

    Course 1. Ambassadors for Our Father’s Kingdom ~ Completed

    Course 2. Followers Of Christ Michael ~ Completed. 

    Course 3. A Journey Into Spiritual Growth ~ Completed.   

    Course 4. Followers Of Christ Michael II ~ Completed.   


    c) Provide Ongoing Support for “New Readers” of The Urantia Book 



    d) Progressive Families is a free counseling service that is provided to young people and their parents to resolve personal conflicts and issues arising in the home. The main goal is to inspire each member of the family to become more personally responsible for their role in creating a progressive and peaceful home environment and to help them bring more Spirituality & Teamwork into their Home Life . 


    For updates on our Spiritual Mission, future events and to become a part of Our Spiritual Family, please join us here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/MinisterPatoBanton/ 


    To Donate to our growing global outreach efforts please go here:

    Or send a check directly to: Edentia Inc.
    16738 Lakeshore Drive #H120 

    Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

    (Tax Receipts available upon request)

    ( Pato Banton is an Ordained Minister for Christ Michael, Certified Counselor, Under Shepherd and BrotherFriend to ALL. If you ever need personal support or spiritual guidance, you can message him on Facebook, email: ministerpatobanton@gmail.com, or you can text or call him directly at 001-323-877-6502 and all his “personal” services are free! )

    • Paul Kemp Administrator
      By Paul Kemp Administrator

      Pato Banton Words of Christ 

      Pato Banton in his Mission Statement has provided a link for downloading and listening to "The Words of Christ". If you would like to Listen to or download  Pato Banton's Words of Christ I or II or III click HERE. (Best link for slow Internet connections )

      We also have these HERE on the Spiritual Family Network. (High Speed Internet) Pato has offered these beautiful teachings to the world as his Christmas Gift to whosoever desires to gain knowledge of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. 

      To “follow Jesus” means to personally share his religious faith and to enter into the spirit of the Master’s life of unselfish service for man. One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it. 

      These inspiring teachings of the Master are accompanied by the beautiful meditative music created, composed, and directed by Clyde JJ Forde and Katie Watchorn. Drums, arrangement and mastering by Winston (Da Major) Mendes. All tracks produced, mixed and narrated by International  Artist, Pato Banton