Results for "I Love Music"


    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

      Daily Life at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage

      Photo of the day Tracy says hello!   Looking back a bit, this is my photo of the day. Tracy pau...lp that will give them chance to head to school without being defaulters.

      • Beth

        Your help is needed

        Butiiki Children's Ministry Group CLICK TO SEE find a way to put our money, our talent, and our love to work for these kids. UNICEF. Here is an opportunity to show God's love...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Sovereignty — Divine and Human

             Sovereignty — Divine and Human.    Sovereignty — Divine a...founded on the fatherhood of God. The family of God is derived from the love of God — God is love....

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            World’s Poorest President Warns Public: ‘Remove Wealthy Elites from Politics’

            World’s Poorest President Warns Public: ‘Remove Wealthy Elites from Politi...have to separate them. We have to run people who love money too much out of politic...danger in politics…””People who love...

            • David Onche

              In God, a Spider's Web is Stronger than a Brick Wall

              During World War 2, a soldier was separated from his unit on an island. The fighting had been intense, and in t...As he waited, he prayed, "Lord, please spare my life. Whatever will happen, I love...

              • Strange Preacher

                War & Peace

                War & Peace    From the abundanc...from the fact that those who love violence will act on the slig...test excuse, while those that love peace can find nothing that earth and that we should love and care for one another and...luminate a better way for us. Love...

                • Pato Banton

                  Our Mission Statement 2017 - 2018

                  Our Mission Statement 2017-2018 By Ministers Pato Ban...; Hall 1. Through the vehicle of Positive Reggae Music, tour across the USA & ot...spire young people and children of all ages through music and motivational speaking.&nb...

                  • Pato Banton

                    Our Global Outreach Ministry by Antoinette Rootsdawtah

                    The question was posed to Pato & Antoinette...... How do you use modern technolo..._7ZjQ  Utilizing Technology and Media for Urantia Book Evangelism 1. Music Ministry & The Art of Sou...

                    • Pato Banton

                      Go To God! ~ A Message from Antoinette Rootsdawtah

                      I love to use the phrase “Go to God, He can solve all your problems.” I don't necessarily mean he's going to snap his fingers and it's done, bu...

                      • Kirunda Sula CCM


                        THANKSGIVING   O Lord when I look at how   far you h...n needs of  me and all my  beloved friends,   I am not worthy, but due to your grace and love  your honestly paid my p...we are in assurance  that as you loved...