Results for "Sponsor a Child"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Canada: Fascist Shift, a New-old Right and Neo-liberalism

      Canada: Fascist Shift, a New-old Right and Neo-liberalism By N...istence, however, did not move Canadians towards militarism (1). A Canadian child prisoner in Guantanamo Bay...

      • Strange Preacher

        The Good Samaritan

        The Good Samaritan   Ecumenism seeks to...ior religion and perceive the spirit wherewith this child of God lived his life. &nb...ough all objectionable incidentals and revealed the child of God beneath and in so doin...

        • Strange Preacher


          Abba Abba    ...a swimming pool in Israel. I remember children were playing and splashing...that we endeavour to be possessed of childlike faith; that we be are a faith filled, love inspired child of God, that knows – wi...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Denmark Warns DTP Vaccine Increases Child Mortality Rate Tenfold

            Denmark Warns DTP Vaccine Increases Child Mortality Rate Tenfold...ic study warns that children vaccinated with the DTP va...p;vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children, the data from the Danish...scientists found that African children inoculated with the DTP (d...

            • Amule Isaac RCM

              Sponsor a Child's Education in Uganda

              Restoration Of God's Glory Church Children's Ministry ● RCM Jesus said &qu...h me"  John 14:6 All children deserve a chance to educat...with us this time round again as we take our children back to school. At only $6...

              • Amule Isaac RCM

                sponsorship letter for the church blog

                ...tion of God' Glory Church Childern's Ministry jinja,( donating [$ 8000 ] to sponsor this event ? Your donation w...ion of God's Glory Church Childern's Ministry]  We...ny thanks in advance for your sponsorship! We look forward to see...

                • Amule Isaac RCM

                  Sponsorship Letter for the Church Blog ● Fundraising

                  ...ion of God's Glory Church Children’s Ministry Jinja,(U...Without your assistance and sponsorship, we won't be able to...u consider donating $ 8000 to sponsor this event ? Your donation...ion of God's Glory Church Children’s Ministry) ...

                  • Hope and Rescue Missions International


                    The life that we live in Africa These children require the good will of the good Samarit...of $443.00 USD for school fees for our children. Please help with any that you are willing to surrender to these children for their education a...

                    • Keren Carter

                      An Appeal to the good Samaritans of the World

                      Mafubira Youth Development Association Dir...a mattress for their little disabled child.  Paul Kemp,, of Nova Sc...% of  our donations to reach the children.  And would this be t...s me photos of the purchases with the children and he also sends me recei...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VII | Religious Experience through Crisis in Individual Growth and Social Experience | H. N. Wieman

                        Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VII...h was to pay for the education of the children vanishes in the bankruptcy...Except ye turn and become as a little child ye have not the plasticity re...must be cultivated and preserved from childhood. If one has lost it he ma...