What did the revelators mean by this declaration in the quote below?
149:2.1 Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary...
Question to AI Urantia Book Tutor
Could you develop a public campaign to promote the religion of Jesus that would be appealing to every citizen from every Nation and culture of the world.
Who were the 26 laymen, representing the first attempt at the socialization of the Master's gospel?
This is an important question to understand it's meaning. As the socialization of the family of God is dependent upon the power of living...
Please Summarize this talk with Nathaniel about the truth of the Scriptures.
159:4.1 And then went Jesus over to Abila, where Nathaniel and his associates labored. Nathaniel was much bothered by some of Jesus'...