This is a critical message for all people of faith, in particular the Christian church. It's not a smooth message, but it comes from the very heart of Christ. Please take it to heart...
What we need, I think, are more people who can become Urantian spiritual leaders—full-time spiritual workers like the apostles, not just mostly part-time disciples populating dwindling “societies” that struggle to attract enthusiastic members to...
Right now I know very few people whose hearts are not sore. The stressful dynamics of world events, political corruption, climate emergency, almost ubiquitous economic anxiety, and overall meanness of these times have turned millions of lives into...
I want to present new readers, and perhaps even seasoned ones, a countervailing perspective on Atonement, one based on my many years of reading the Urantia Book (UB). This desire is simply stated but it’s actually quite a difficult, and lengthy,...
May 18 is a good day to celebrate our universe's Jubilee of Jubilees. Mother, our Creative Spirit, becomes personally knowable by all contacting individuals. 34:2.1 To many universe types of being, even this representation of the Infinite Spirit...
Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VIII
Religious Experience through the Church
H. N. Wieman
The Method of Spiritual Fellowship
The church and the home are designed to promote a precious fellowship. He who never experiences it,...
Crisis generally wears the face of disaster. But it is not disaster; it is opportunity, if we make it so. But it rests with us and the way we avail ourselves of God. It is the fateful moment when we must change our ways for good or ill. It is the...
The personal problem for experimentation which we have in this study is twofold: (1) How can we increase our capacity for enjoyment? (2) How can we preserve our critical moral judgment and our spiritual aspiration in the midst of these joys? The...