There are four ways to experience beauty. One is the way of the aesthete; the second the way of the artist; the third the way of the moralist; the fourth, the religious way. The same person may experience beauty in all four of these ways at...
The method of worship best adapted to one person is not always best for another. And the same person in different moods and circumstances will modify his method of worship to suit his need. Hence the suggestions we are about to make must not be...
In this study we want to do two things. We want to learn how to prepare for religious experience and profit by it, and we want to pool our experiences so that we can learn from one another. The art of how to prepare for religious experience and...
"My Father is no respecter of races or generations in that the word of truth is vouchsafed one age and withheld from another. Commit not the folly of calling that divine which is wholly human, and fail not to discern the words of truth which come...
“The Spiritual Family Community website provides a platform that connects citizens living in this day and generation to the human teachers of truth with thousands of posts and many groups centered on the Epochal Revelations.”
Make your statement of mission and goals clear and brief. Send around Mission and Goals until all of Eden International are satisfied with the wording.
News of the Urantia revelation is spreading to the more remote regions of the southern hemisphere but the cost of getting Urantia Books to many of these areas is prohibitively high.
Our civilization is beginning to change. It is beginning to be uplifted, restructured, and redirected. It feels like chaos and uncertainty! But we need to see it in a different light. This is the beginning of one of Urantia’s “most amazing and...