Results for "Twinomuhangi Denisrex Education Campaign"



    • The Strange Preacher

      The Devil's Milk

      The Devil’s Milk is an expression I use to symbolise that addictive and disorienting chemical soup that our...ndash; hasn’t bothered to consider the social implications of having an educatio...

      • i Witness NEWS

        The end of capitalism has begun!

          The red flags and marching songs of Syriza during the Greek crisis, plus the expecta...nsion system has been destroyed, the retirement age is being hiked to 70, and educatio...

      • +101 more Blogs


      Discussion topics

        • Hope and Rescue Missions International


          The life that we live in Africa These children require the good will of the good Samaritans of the world to secure food, clothing, shelter and the chance for an educatio...

          • Amule Isaac RCM

            Child Education Sponsorship

             Discussions at Restoration Of God's...All children deserve a chance to education. It does not matter what part...bsp;please simply click  on the Campaigns button  The Children...;Here  Please Note: The Campaign Fundraising Software for this...

          • +37 more Discussion topics



            • Paul Kemp Administrator


              The Urantia Book   PAPER 138       &nbs...POINTMENT    138:7.1 Jesus had planned for a quiet missionary campaign of five months' personal...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                PAPER 195 AFTER PENTECOST

                The Urantia Book   PAPER 195     ...ided attitude on religious rituals, education, magic, medicine, art, litera...gnified and respect-breeding. Roman education bred an unheard-of and stolid...r to promote science and to advance educatio...

              • +33 more Pages

              Top-level pages

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Mother's Day ● How it all began

                    The Original Mother's Day Proclamation!  &n...ties in Boston for years. In 1907, Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, began the campaign to have Mother’s D...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    The Death of Truth

                    The Death of Truth By Chris Hedges This interview...m, is a loss,” Assange said of the U.S.-led campaign against him as we sat in his...ained by The Saturday Age described the campaign against Assange and WikiLeaks...

                  • +45 more Top-level pages

                  Wire posts

                    • Amule Isaac RCM

                      By Amule Isaac RCM

                      All children deserve a chance to education. It does not matter what part of the world you reside or the body in which you were born. the second term of school opened on Monday the 18th, please we are calling upon all our friends to stand with us...More

                    • +31 more Wire posts



                      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                        Educational Requirements at Hope Orphans Centre

                        Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga In Uganda their are over one million children orphaned and in need of support f...sisting those willing to offer the necessities of life and the possibility of educatio...

                        • Amule Isaac RCM

                          RCM Educational Sponsorship Program

                          Restoration of God's Glory Church Educational  Sponsorship Program  Restoration of God’s Glory Church Childern’s Minisrty needs volunteers ,patterners and sponsers to fund the childern’s Education.The cost to sponsor is  $60.00 USD three times a year.

                        • +79 more Albums



                        Wall posts

                          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                            CHALLENGES THAT WE FACE AT HOPE ORPHANS CENTRE-IGANGA AND OUR PLANS It’s our humble reque...rby school which in return do not provide quality education and it’s the same distance th...ited land for agriculture 7. Limited finance for educatio...

                            • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                              CHALLENGES THAT WE FACE AT HOPE ORPHANS CENTRE-IGANGA AND OUR PLANS It’s our humble reque...rby school which in return do not provide quality education and it’s the same distance th...ited land for agriculture 7. Limited finance for educatio...

                            • +269 more Wall posts


                              • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                                Bishop Moses Kaharwa - Pastor Caroline Ministry Fundraiser

                                Welcome to SILOAM Alter Revival Ministries Internat...owed groups of people. 8. We have a Girl Child Campaign. 9. We are supporting a program “From the Street back to home Campaign.” 11. We are providi...

                                • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                                  Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga Annual Fundraiser

                                  HOPE AND RESCUE MISSION INTERNATIONAL Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga...ties of life and the possibility of education to these little ones. & to these children for their education and for a better future. The&...See our Constitution Here. See our educatio...

                                • +169 more Campaigns




                                  • Twinomuhangi Denis

                                    Twinomuhangi Denisrex Education Campaign

                                    Twinomuhangi Denisrex Education Campaign      Hello dear  brothers and sisters in Christ  I greet you in the name of our Creator Father . I am John Denis Rex , a ugandan citizen aged 18 years old  I have written this letter to you all to kindl...

                                    Tags: Twinomuhangi Denisrex Education Campaign