Give a short description of Paradise in your own words.

    Ayo Pax
    Asked by Ayo Pax Answers (1)

    Ayo Pax UB Study Group Questions January 19,2023

    Hey Papa these are the toughest they have asked. 

    Question 6

    Paper 30:4 Summarize the seven stages for mortal survivors.


    1 Answers


        Ayo Pax UB Study Group Questions January 19,2023 

        Summarize the seven stages for mortal survivors..

        The worlds of Havona are arranged in seven concentric circles that spin or orbit around Paradise.  The outer circle is the largest and the closest to us.  We’ll start on the first sphere of the outer circle and progress to all the spheres in that circle before we go to the second circle, the next circle inward., and so on  Each sphere is like a school where we continue our spiritual growth, but each sphere has beauty for us to enjoy,   The seventh circle is where we will be prepared for our trip to Paradise where we will become finaliters and meet the Gods.


        Question 6 Paper 30:4 Summarize the seven stages for mortal survivors.

        From 30.4:

        The seven stages of the ascending universe career:

        30:4.2 (340.4) 1. Planetary Mortals.  That’s us here on Urantia.

        30:4.3 (340.5) 2. Sleeping Survivors.  That’s us after we die, before we reawaken on the mansion worlds.

        30:4.4 (340.6) 3. Mansion World Students.  That’s us after we are resurrected on the mansion worlds.

        30:4.5 (340.7) 4. Morontia Progressors.  That will be us as we grow spiritually on those mansion worlds and some higher levels.

        30:4.6 (340.8) 5. Superuniverse Wards.  That will be us after we reach the superuniverse level and continue to grow spiritually.

        30:4.7 (340.9) 6. Havona Pilgrims.  After we complete our training and education at the superuniverse level, we go to Havona to continue learning on those worlds.

        30:4.8 (340.10) 7. Paradise Arrivals.  Our arrival on Paradise after we finish our work on the Havona worlds.


        From: Richard (Dick) Bain


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