Results for "RT"


    • Billy John Waiswa

      Education for the needy children in Africa.

      ...Orphan children are denied a chance to attend school. Here we come to encourage all the good citizens of the world to join us in the tremendous efforts to establish a good structur...

      • Monica Kemp

        Daily Quotations from the Urantia Revelations Text and Image Files will be posted Here Please Download & also Share

        ...spiritual teaching and leading wholeheartedly and unselfishly want...ive in accordance with the degree of mortal dedication to the ...grow weary in well-doing just because he is thwarted. 156.5.21  ...

        • Derrick

          5 Actions that Will Allow you to Regain Hope

 Spirit. 1. Always remain alert to the Lord's call No and alongside an available heart. We will come across peo...aith to the children Since our birth we have received the love an...nd care that is found within our hearts. 5. To value our life w...

          • Derrick

            Why am I doing badly? 5 Conceptual Errors When it Comes to Viewing Life.

            ...te some actions that take us even further away from the Holy Spirit....and your coming in from this time forth and for evermore.” Psalms 12...n in truth it is we who have a distorted view. By assgning vital imp...Set yourself goals. Many times, short-term goals are a great help w...

            • Monica Kemp

              Quotations From a Divine Revelation of Truth February 2019

              ...teaching and leading wholeheartedly and unselfishly wants to...cordance with the degree of mortal dedication to the divine do...ognition for the most praiseworthy things in their lives. Forg...p; You must make a wholehearted choice of the divine will....

              • Walker Road Revival

                Civil Unrest

                ...parity policies of President Macron have dealt further injustice to the working c...profits and individuals are accumulating vast fortunes, we see the conditions of...d and God is not needed. Religion has become a dirty word, even among religionist...

                • Billy John Waiswa

                  Praying for help and support!

                  ...t you do for the nation. I would like to request for your help and support to the children at His Grace...s today!

                  • Verne J Finucane Jr


                    ...son, let the other affected parties know. Try never to leave o...ways try to speak from the heart and learn from your errors, g...motivation of this evolving mortal. His attitude becomes prais...ritual Growth is the most important. Doing God's will, nee...

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      The iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral

                      ...ic Notre-Dame Cathedral Article by:Rich Rev was formed by Jacques Hébert and Pierre Gaspard Chaumette...sored public defacing of religious artifacts. The Cult of Reason...novation and called for a joint effort to fund repairs. Soon after,...

                      • Derrick

                        The 4 benefits of committing yourself to God at all times.

                        ...dfast love in the morning. For you have been a fortress for me and a refuge in th...ll sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me ste...rouble.” Isaiah 33:2 We will be His worthy children Because there is n...