Results for "Rural Women & Orphans Empowerment Initiative"


    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

      Who Is The Still Point At The Center Within?

      Who Is The Still Point At The Center Within? I AM THAT I AM is the still point at the...ilence/stillness, turn your attention away from the rush of conversations, lists & obligations, & brin...

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

        Naigaga Naume ● My appeal for a helping hand

        Fundraising These children require the good will of the good Samaritans of the w...m Naigaga Naume from Uganda and the Director Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga. Hope Orphans Cen...a logo with a young baby and the words Hope Orphans Ce...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


          EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM   EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM Those of us serious about expanding the influence of The Urantia Book in our world would do we...

          • Walwasa Martin


            Activities   OCT Active Programs  Permanent Foster Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children UNIC...ts in Sub- Saharan Africa are orphans, having lost one or both pare...l needs for example; Economic empowerment of the widows and orphans, C...

            • Walwasa Martin

              About Us

              About us About Us   Act.... Providing formal education for orphans and vulnerable children facing welfare problems in both rural and urban communities. The O...ectives of OCT are; i. To support Orphans and...v. Provision of information to the rural and...

              • Walwasa Martin

                Please Help

                Please help About Us   Activities   Pleas...e short run - Widows Economic Empowerment Projects It is women who assume much of the responsi...who forms a new group with other women. The rest of the kids will remain t...ork with widows and guardians of orphans to...

                • Marissa Bodden

                  1. Lord's Mercy Foundation Sponsorship Program

                  Lord's Mercy Foundation Sponsorship Program Sponsorship Program   Welcome to The Lord's Mercy Foundation Sponsorship Program!  Spons...

                  • Marissa Bodden

                    3. The Land/Building Project

                    The Land/Building Project Fundraising        The Land/Building Project   Currently, Ronald has opened up his home to the 35 orphans at...

                    • Marissa Bodden

                      2. Daily Bread General Funding Program

                      Daily Bread General Funding Program   Daily Bread General Funding ...often have a deeper happiness inside of them.  The daily life needs of the orphans ar...

                      • Marissa Bodden

                        4. Emergency Fund

                        Emergency Fund Hello Everyone,  My name is Donna. I have a group on Facebook...te need of food. I came up with the idea of the Emergency Fund when one of our orphans, F...