Results for "Friends of Bugala island"

Wall posts

    • Kato Pare

      Good morning my friends This is my gofund me campaign

      • Mugweri Philly

        Am back and God is good my friends, it wasn't easy for me those last weeks. I was missing our site and hope everyone is doing good

        • Mugabane isaac

          My friends, in life, it's better to stop complaining about each other and start praying for each other!

          • Billy John Waiswa

            Hello friends, greetings to you all. This is a humble request to you to support us start a farming project that will help us feed our children at the Children's Home. W...

            • Mugabane isaac

              Hello friends The life care ministries orphans and needy children lives in a very poor condition , most of them sleep on the floor Provision of mattressed, beds will significantly improves the living conditions

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Of God “Of God, the most inescapable of all presences, the most real of all facts, the most living of all truths, the most loving of all friends, and the most divine of all values, we have the right to be the most certain of all universe experiences.” 102:7.10

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Matte Jockas Writes... Now I can happily say Merry Christmas to you all family and friends all around the world. May this day be a blessing to you and may it open more doors for you

                  • Evangelist  George  Kateu

                    Happy New year to all our friends and family thanks for the love . Always pray because good comes from God. Thanks management and staff Garden of Hope children's Ministry Uganda. Godspeed.

                    • Tonny Mutekyereze

                      Hello there our dear friends

                      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                        Hello my friends . How are you doing there. I would like you to inform you that things are ve...ting us to respond. Things have got out if my control. Worst of all connection with my friend...