Results for "War"


    • Amule Isaac RCM

      RCM,Restoration of God's Glory Church,Children's Ministry,Amule Isaac,, eat, get some thing to put on and get medical care, so please i call upon all our friends and well wishers to come help,support and donate towards the well being of these lit...

      • Amule Isaac RCM

        sponsorship letter for the church blog

        ...this letter or hand-deliver your donation to Restoration of God's Glory Church. Many thanks in advance for your sponsorship! We look forward to seeing you at celemony S...

        • Amule Isaac RCM

          Sponsorship Letter for the Church Blog ● Fundraising

          ...ty Online Network please use the contact information below this article.    Many thanks in advance for your sponsorship! We look forward to seeing you at ceremony....

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International


            ...lp them in the future and eventually they will be able to sustain themselves. By giving us a helping hand. Your contribution will be very crucial towards their success in life. Bles...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand manifest

              ...ived it has to a large extent failed on earth; for the time being, an outward church has taken its place; should comprehend that this church is only the larval stage of the thwarted spiritual kingdom, which w...

              • Agustin

                Invitation to the CN18 in Merida, Mexico

                ...tinoamerica         Invitation to the CN18 in Merida, Mexico Theme: Spiritual Technology Epistemology toward approaches in teaching and l...

                • Pato Banton

                  "The flight from duty is the sacrifice of truth."

                  ...esome example we can and will make this world a better place.  I pray that we all find the courage to be truly Spirit-Led as we continue forward on our Journey. ...

                  • Mugweri Philly

                    MUGA CHILD OUTREACH

                    ...d Children due to HIV/AIDS. Muga Child Outreach cares for Orphans whose parents died of AIDS and those who died from other things like Accidents, Wars and other diseases which cla...

                    • Mwiri K Emmanuel

                      Project Hope for a New Home at H. O. C. I.

                      ...the future and eventually they will be able to sustain themselves. By giving us a helping hand. Your contribution will be very crucial towards their success in life. Bles...

                      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                        Let's look at 5 ways we can start our day off on a positive note

                        ...l for (your children, partner, your health, the warm bed you are in, nature consciously set your energy and intention towards your day. 4. Before brea...e wearing a blindfold. But whether we’re aware of it or not, we create our...