Results for "Fellowship of The Father"


    • Derrick

      Are you having an ocean of ​​doubts? 5 reasons to stand firm in the Lord's path.

      We may stumble, we may even fall, but we will always be a moment of doubt, remember that God, as a good Father, loves us unconditionally and.... By being in direct communication with our Father, we strengthen our trust in H...

      • Derrick

        5 Actions that Will Allow you to Regain Hope

        We see the actions of people every day who foll...lost or off the path of our Heavenly Father's enlightenment. To help them...full of hope and love, our Heavenly Father will guide our words and the respect and love that God the Father wants us to have for our chil...

        • Monica Kemp

          Daily Quotations from the Urantia Revelations Text and Image Files will be posted Here Please Download & also Share

          Quotations From a Divine Revelation& the divine doing of the Father's will. When man goe...e the divine thought but love is the Fathers attitude. 2.6.5 Janua...True religion is to know God as your Father and man as your brother. 99.5...

          • Monica Kemp

            Quotations From a Divine Revelation of Truth February 2019

            ...mortal dedication to the divine doing of the Father's will. When man goes in part...simply teaching friendship with God. And this fellowship will appeal alike to your good works and be led to glorify your Father who is in heaven. 140:3.13&nb...

            • Walker Road Revival

              Civil Unrest

              Civil Unrest   We're 16 weeks into continued violent protests and...ial, political and economic reform. The transforming power of devotion to the Father and service to our global fam...

              • Verne J Finucane Jr


                A PERSONAL COMMENTARY ON LIVING LIFE. AND SUGGE...ated.  1: Simply Love our Father, the First Source and Center...Now, this able-bodied man is what my father called a leach on society.&nb...try to solve our problems with both fatherly and brotherly love. However...

                • Derrick

                  The 4 benefits of committing yourself to God at all times.

                  The 4 benefits of committing yourself to God at all times.   When we comm...God, which makes us heirs to the most sought out trust: the trust of our Holy Father, at the same time we are char...

                  • Strange Preacher

                    'Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!' Jn. 16:33

                    'Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!' Jn. 16...p; 'Fear not little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give y...e same unity and communion that he shares with the Father among each other and with the...

                    • Mother Earth

                      Birth Song

                      Birth Song At the himba of Namibia in Southern Africa, the date of birth of she heard this child's song, she comes back to the man who will be the father of the child to teach him tha...

                      • Matte Jockas

                        LEARNING TO APPRECIATE!

                        LEARN TO APPRECIATE! "Its Not how far you have moved in your life, but how far y...s a chance to see You at work and as an opportunity to point others Your way. Father thank You for loving me and n...