Group activity

    • Gumisiriza Julius

      Time is now and is a true manifestation and representative of the Kingdom of our universal father. Keep up the good work. to all those on ground.

      • Paul Kemp Administrator
        2024 11 06 DavidCampus Raising the Banner of Michael
        • Gumisiriza Julius
          By Gumisiriza Julius

          Time is now and is a true manifestation and representative of the Kingdom of our universal father. Keep up the good work. to all those on ground.

        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          Paul Kemp Administrator added the photo I AM EDEN INTERNATIONAL Icon to the album Group Profile
          • Paul Kemp Administrator
            • Eden International David Campus Construction and Property Maintenance Equipment Arrival
            • Eden International David Campus Construction and Property Maintenance Equipment Arrival
            • Eden International David Campus Construction and Property Maintenance Equipment Arrival
            • Eden International David Campus Construction and Property Maintenance Equipment Arrival
            • Paul Kemp Administrator
              • April 2024 04-25 Ronald Fournier begins bringing equipment for Development and Maintenance to Nova Eden DavidCampus
              • Paul Kemp Administrator
                NOVA EDEN DavidCampus ADVENTURES & DEVELOPMENTS Updates on our Adventures NEWS UPDATE JUNE 18,2024 On May 25th Ronald Fournier came with a little white workhorse that has been a blessing to clear away some of the damage from the...
                • Paul Kemp Administrator
                  Paul Kemp Administrator added the photo Nav Nova Eden DavidCampus News to the album Group Profile
                  • Nav Nova Eden DavidCampus News
                  • Niwamanya Onesmas
                    Niwamanya Onesmas replied on the discussion topic The Urantia Manifesto

                    This is a beautiful and inspiring text, brother Paul and hope it was shared from brother Soren! The Urantia Manifesto encapsulates the essence of the Urantia Book's teachings, emphasizing the singular commandment to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and live a life of love, fearlessness, and divine assurance. It highlights the importance of seeing the world through the lens of brotherhood, embracing divine order, and actualizing our divine potential. The manifesto also reminds us that the ultimate reality is love, and that living in alignment with this truth will bring us peace, purpose, and fulfillment.

                    As I read through this text, I am struck by the beauty and profundity of the language, which resonates deeply with the teachings of the Urantia Book. The manifesto's emphasis on love, compassion, and service to others aligns perfectly with the book's themes of love, mercy, and ministry.

                    Thank you for sharing this inspiring text, brother! I look forward to discussing it further and exploring ways to apply its principles in our lives and in the world.

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator
                      Paul Kemp Administrator added a new discussion topic The Urantia Manifesto
                      The Urantia Manifesto Embracing the One Law of Divine Love Author: Unknown   The Singular Commandment In the heart of the Urantia revelation lies a singular, profound commandment: to proclaim the gospel of Jesus. This directive is...
                      • Niwamanya Onesmas
                        By Niwamanya Onesmas

                        This is a beautiful and inspiring text, brother Paul and hope it was shared from brother Soren! The Urantia Manifesto encapsulates the essence of the Urantia Book's teachings, emphasizing the singular commandment to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and live a life of love, fearlessness, and divine assurance. It highlights the importance of seeing the world through the lens of brotherhood, embracing divine order, and actualizing our divine potential. The manifesto also reminds us that the ultimate reality is love, and that living in alignment with this truth will bring us peace, purpose, and fulfillment.

                        As I read through this text, I am struck by the beauty and profundity of the language, which resonates deeply with the teachings of the Urantia Book. The manifesto's emphasis on love, compassion, and service to others aligns perfectly with the book's themes of love, mercy, and ministry.

                        Thank you for sharing this inspiring text, brother! I look forward to discussing it further and exploring ways to apply its principles in our lives and in the world.

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator
                        2024 to 2100  Portrayal of a 76 Year Destiny Projects Goals of I AM Eden International    Train and send Gospel Teachers into the world's Nations Train and send Gospel Teachers on successive three month outreach missions...
                        • Paul Kemp Administrator
                          Paul Kemp Administrator added 2 photos to the album Group Profile
                          • I AM EDEN INTERNATIONAL Marquee
                          • I AM EDEN INTERNATIONAL Marquee
                          • Paul Kemp Administrator
                            Paul Kemp Administrator added the photo Destiny Projects 2024 to 2100 to the album Group Profile
                            • Destiny Projects 2024 to 2100
                            • France Tremblay
                              France Tremblay commented on the blog Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                              You’re right: A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment .” [195:9.2] Is N O W

                              • Strange Preacher
                                Strange Preacher published a blog post Should I Stay or Should I Go?!
                                It required a great power, a mighty influence, to free the thinking and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination. Secularism did break the bonds of church control, and now in turn it...
                                • France Tremblay
                                  By France Tremblay

                                  You’re right: A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment .” [195:9.2] Is N O W

                                • Monica Kemp
                                  Monica Kemp commented on What is "The Water of Life"?

                                  Greetings Fullof Questions! (And, who isn't?!)
                                  Look at these quotes:
                                  34:6:8 (381.2) It is the presence of the divine Spirit, the water of life, that prevents the consuming thirst of mortal discontent and that indescribable hunger of the unspiritualized human mind. Spirit-motivated beings “never thirst, for this spiritual water shall be in them a well of satisfaction springing up into life everlasting.”
                                  127:6.7...the Master talked to them more about the water of life, the gift of the indwelling spirit.
                                  153:3.2 You can be nourished by the eternal word of God, which is indeed the bread of life, and which has been bestowed in the likeness of mortal flesh; and you can be watered in soul by the divine spirit, which is truly the water of life.
                                  So you can see that in these statements we are given to understand that the very undiluted Fragment of the Father (whom I like to call my BFF - Beloved Father Fragment) living within each of our minds represents the "water of life", that flowing mind-guidance which is, in fact, the Will of our Heavenly Father to each of us!.
                                  This, as Truth, is ALWAYS going to be "modern", that is, true in every age!
                                  God bless you for asking this made it clear to me, too!

                                I AM Eden International

                                I AM Eden International

                                Eden International is a preparation team for the plans of THE MOST HIGHS - Founded upon the belief in this Truth Postulate 149:2.1 Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary being the inspired interpretation afforded by his earth life, all nations and all religions of the world would speedily have embraced the gospel of the kingdom.