The Urantia Manifesto

The Urantia Manifesto

Embracing the One Law of Divine Love

Author: Unknown


The Singular Commandment

In the heart of the Urantia revelation lies a singular, profound commandment: to proclaim the gospel of Jesus. This directive is not merely a rule but a way of life, encapsulating the essence of our existence and aligning our lives with the divine purpose of our Father in heaven.

Resting in Divine Assurance

When you dedicate yourself to this sacred mission, you can rest with peace in your heart. Trust that both our Father in heaven and Jesus know your needs intimately. In moments of doubt about what you should wear or what you should eat, question if you are truly embodying your role as an ambassador of heaven. Are you living fearlessly? Do you give without expecting earthly rewards? If so, you are embracing true greatness.

Seeing Through the Lens of Brotherhood

By seeing the world through the eyes of your brethren, you begin to perceive the world as they do. This shift in perspective is crucial, for it merges goodness and greatness—qualities that are eternally united in God. As you venture into the world, following God’s one law to proclaim the gospel of Jesus, you will increasingly recognize the inherent goodness in all things. Everything is okay; you see glory where your less enlightened brethren see chaos. You see the hand of the Supreme Being in even the smallest details.

Embracing Divine Order

When you carry the truth of the gospel to the world, you are working for our Father in heaven. You are fulfilling His will, and nothing can divert your focus from seeking light and life in all your actions. By adhering to this one law, you become its living embodiment. When people see you, they see the will of God manifested in you. You reflect the gracious will of our Father, who rules the universe by the mandate of His law.

The Law is Love

This one law is also love. The ultimate reality is love, and everything else leads to this singular truth. Love is the only reality. Loving Jesus by proclaiming His gospel of everlasting truth aligns your soul with that which is beautiful and true. As you follow this path, all things will work for your good. Fear will vanish because providence will be evident in your life; it simply cannot be otherwise.

Living Fearlessly in Providence

When you follow in the path of truth, beauty, and goodness, you become both great and good. People will be drawn to you because they will sense that you have understood a profound truth. You are an ambassador for the kingdom of heaven, and as you give yourself fully to the will of our heavenly Father, this kingdom perspective will manifest more clearly in your life.

 Actualizing Divine Potential

Your potential is becoming actualized because that is how our Father in heaven has always seen you. To Him, your potentials are already realities. As you actualize more of your potential, you will find it increasingly meaningful and valuable to flow with the divine currents of the universe. Following God’s one law will become your passion, and you will want to share it with everyone you meet. You will do this often and fearlessly, giving your heart to our Father in heaven. As you do, more of His spiritual presence will touch your soul.

Experiencing Spiritual Presence

It is not that the Father in heaven has withheld anything from you; it is simply that you have not listened before. You were too focused on material realities, in which the spiritual Father is almost nonexistent. However, all that has changed now. You are following the one law and doing what you love. Continue in this path. One day, you will see the Supreme Being in everything, and when this happens, you will know that we have only one reality to share: the reality of love.

Living in Divine Love

The Father in heaven embodies living love. As you see this more and more, you will desire to remain in worshipful contemplation of His holiness always. God is law. God is love. Living in this reality transforms you, and you become a beacon of divine love and truth.

Conclusion: The One Law

In conclusion, the Urantia Manifesto reveals a profound truth: there is only one law, and this law is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus. This proclamation is not merely a duty but a manifestation of love, the ultimate reality. By aligning yourself with this law, you align with the divine, becoming a reflection of God's will and a bearer of His love. As you live by this law, you will find peace, purpose, and the fulfillment of your highest potential.


  • Niwamanya Onesmas
    By Niwamanya Onesmas

    This is a beautiful and inspiring text, brother Paul and hope it was shared from brother Soren! The Urantia Manifesto encapsulates the essence of the Urantia Book's teachings, emphasizing the singular commandment to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and live a life of love, fearlessness, and divine assurance. It highlights the importance of seeing the world through the lens of brotherhood, embracing divine order, and actualizing our divine potential. The manifesto also reminds us that the ultimate reality is love, and that living in alignment with this truth will bring us peace, purpose, and fulfillment.

    As I read through this text, I am struck by the beauty and profundity of the language, which resonates deeply with the teachings of the Urantia Book. The manifesto's emphasis on love, compassion, and service to others aligns perfectly with the book's themes of love, mercy, and ministry.

    Thank you for sharing this inspiring text, brother! I look forward to discussing it further and exploring ways to apply its principles in our lives and in the world.

I AM Eden International

I AM Eden International

Eden International is a preparation team for the plans of THE MOST HIGHS - Founded upon the belief in this Truth Postulate 149:2.1 Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary being the inspired interpretation afforded by his earth life, all nations and all religions of the world would speedily have embraced the gospel of the kingdom.