Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon

      To the earnest leader of the Mithraic cult he said: “You do well to seek for a religion of eternal salvation, but you err to go in quest of such a glorious truth among man-made mysteries and human philosophies. Know you not that the mystery of eternal salvation dwells within your own soul? Do you not know that the God of heaven has sent his spirit to live within you, and that this spirit will lead all truth-loving and God-serving mortals out of this life and through the portals of death up to the eternal heights of light where God waits to receive his children? And never forget: You who know God are the sons of God if you truly yearn to be like him.”

      The Light Within

      A sunny day, that’s what’s forecast.

      The 50s come, but not too fast.

      So, it’s cooler in the scheme of things.

      The beauty outside, though, does sing!

      The crispness of the morning air

      Takes us to a place aware

      Of better things, that are assured.

      The way this world’s made, Love’s the word!

      Find the place inside that’s calm.

      You’ll find that place is never gone.

      Listen closely, hear its song.

      One and all, we do belong.

      A place, a spot, a niche for you.

      And there’s a lot for you to do!

      Do the next best thing you can.

      Find the path blazed by “The Man. “

      Let Him guide you to your peace.

      We all must train our inner beast.

      He knows you better than you do.

      He made you, so you’ll follow through.

      Follow through, once you find out.

      That’s what life is all about.

      Evolution of your mind

      Evolves a soul that’s very kind.

      Thank You Father, my soul does change.

      Within my roots, there’s many stains.

      But life within me has a light.

      And that light shows me what is right.

      Paul Anderson


      • Tumwijukye simon
        Tumwijukye simon

        140:1.3 “The power of this kingdom shall consist, not in the strength of armies nor in the might of riches, but rather in the glory of the divine spirit that shall come to teach the minds and rule the hearts of the reborn citizens of this heavenly kingdom, the sons of God. This is the brotherhood of love wherein righteousness reigns, and whose battle cry shall be: Peace on earth and good will to all men. This kingdom, which you are so soon to go forth proclaiming, is the desire of the good men of all ages, the hope of all the earth, and the fulfillment of the wise promises of all the prophets.

        Peace Will Reign

        An early start to this fine day.

        It’s cooler as I make my way.

        A group of us outside the door.

        What did we all come here for?

        We enjoy the morning air.

        To us, at this time, life seems fair.

        We chat about what comes to mind.

        In all our efforts we are kind.

        A good start to the day is had.

        I give my thanks, as I am glad.

        My soul sings, finds harmony.

        We all exist in symphony.

        We play the harps of God within.

        The Lord of Hosts provides rhythm.

        The Holy Spirit fills us up.

        God knows then, what does develop.

        We become more real as we

        Develop towards “spirit-reality”.

        As we do as we know we should,

        More things in this world turn out good!

        Eventually this world will rock.

        Quicker, if all would just take stock

        Of our direction, each of us.

        We’d make a difference, a major plus.

        Thank You, Father, I can see

        How we’ll be eventually.

        Many, many, things will change.

        As time goes on, Your Peace will reign.

        Paul Anderson


        • Tumwijukye simon
          Tumwijukye simon

          110:3.10 4. Joyful acceptance of cosmic citizenship – honest recognition of your progressive obligations to the Supreme Being, awareness of the interdependence of evolutionary man and evolving Deity. This is the birth of cosmic morality and the dawning realization of universal duty.


          80’s they say late today.

          That’s truly like a summer day.

          Beauty’s found along the way.

          There’s work to do, and then we’ll play.

          It’s Sunday so the work we do

          Is not for profit, that is true.

          The Boss for Whom we truly work

          Is the Master Life Coach Cook.

          He’s found inside you, if you look.

          He’s in the pages of that book.

          Look for light, it leads to truth.

          You’re His son, be on that route.

          Be the best that you can be.

          Look squarely at reality.

          Don’t be that square within the circle.

          Be aware of how you stumble.

          No perfection yet, but we

          Can change direction, really be.

          Satisfy the one within.

          The peace of love gives us new wins.

          Striving to love one another.

          To treat a stranger as your brother.

          Be aware of what might be.

          Trust your inner reality.

          Thank You, Father, to choose what’s best

          Is the measure of success.

          We advance by our own choice.

          With You, within, we do rejoice.

          Paul Anderson


          • Tumwijukye simon
            Tumwijukye simon

            That same evening Jesus made the long-to-be-remembered address to the apostles regarding the relative value of status with God and progress in the eternal ascent to Paradise. Said Jesus: “My children, if there exists a true and living connection between the child and the Father, the child is certain to progress continuously toward the Father’s ideals. True, the child may at first make slow progress, but the progress is none the less sure. The important thing is not the rapidity of your progress but rather its certainty. Your actual achievement is not so important as the fact that the direction of your progress is Godward. What you are becoming day by day is of infinitely more importance than what you are today.

            Sunny Days

            Sunny all day long today.

            Nice now for a stretch of days.

            Cooler yes, it is still Spring.

            But beauty is what nature brings.

            Get some things done, now’s the time.

            No rain today by God’s design.

            To be outside alive’s a privilege.

            Not reserved for just those privileged.

            The sun is out for everyone.

            But prison bars may block the sun.

            But only those whom we have deemed

            Guilty, and to them, we’re mean.

            So what we choose to do, will be.

            And if the Will of God, we see,

            Then our choice must be the best

            For all concerned, we need invest.

            I place my Trust and Faith in God.

            His plan for us, He will evolve.

            We must follow, Faith’s the key.

            Faith unlocks our destiny.

            We become in this first life.

            Evolving through all types of strife.

            We become what can be known.

            Enhanced by seeds of Love we’ve sown.

            Thank You, Father, this day goes by.

            There’s time for things, no need to fly.

            But doing things that need to be done

            I do them first, then I have fun.

            Paul Anderson


            • Tumwijukye simon
              Tumwijukye simon

              These tertiary seconaphim are the timesavers, space abridgers, error detectors, faithful teachers, and everlasting guideposts – living signs of divine surety – in mercy placed at the crossroads of time, there to guide the feet of anxious pilgrims in moments of great perplexity and spiritual uncertainty. Long before attaining the portals of perfection, you will begin to gain access to the tools of divinity and to make contact with the techniques of Deity. Increasingly, from the time you arrive on the initial mansion world until you close your eyes in the Havona sleep preparatory to your Paradise transit, you will avail yourself of the emergency help of these marvelous beings, who are so fully and freely reflective of the sure knowledge and certain wisdom of those safe and dependable pilgrims who have preceded you on the long journey to the portals of perfection.

              God’s Guiding Will

              A stormy day is what’s forecast.

              They come and go, they will not last.

              Shelter when they truly come.

              I’ll work around them on my runs.

              Watch the sky before I go.

              Then make way, “On with the show”.

              Be aware upon my path.

              Help others’ feelings lift and last.

              Help others feel secure inside.

              Faith in love, we should not hide.

              Love will save the folks with Faith.

              God’s in charge, and we’re on pace.

              Know there’s reasons for this venture.

              God’s in charge, Loves our adventures.

              He shares himself with all of us.

              Trust in Him, become robust.

              Robust in Spirit and belief.

              Spirit jewels rest at our feet.

              We’re cut like diamonds, so we shine.

              This world evolves, but it takes time.

              Patient waiting, Trust and Faith.

              Use courage in the world we face.

              Mankind’s striving does evolve.

              Still, war is something we must solve.

              Thank You, Father, I’ll use my vote.

              I know I need learn more Your notes.

              Try to vote for leadership

              And pray, Your Will, guides all our ships.

              Paul Anderson


              • Tumwijukye simon
                Tumwijukye simon

                0:1.17 Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in personality as love, mercy, and ministry; disclosed on impersonal levels as justice, power, and sovereignty.

                Love’s Beauty

                The day starts, it’s one of beauty.

                Much to do, I need to boogie.

                I will go downtown today.

                I have some business, also play.

                Looking forward to find ways

                Of augmenting beauty, I find today.

                Contribute to the “well” of others.

                They are my sisters and my brothers.

                Humble feelings fill my soul.

                To spread God‘s word is our true goal.

                He loves All, we are but kids.

                I’m listening and I’ll use my wits.

                I don’t have a prior agenda.

                I’ll filter out the propaganda.

                The Truth rings solid, like a bell.

                But no perfection here, pray tell.

                Open minds with Spirit direction.

                The way I see our situation.

                We must choose with Spirit perception.

                Truth will show differentiation.

                Motivation under God—

                The way ahead – the Truth to solve.

                Inner-light is soft and white.

                Your direction makes it bright.

                Thank You, Father, I’m awe-struck!

                Faith alone helps me construct

                A vision of where, Love on earth

                Truly shows in all our works.

                Paul Anderson


                • Tumwijukye simon
                  Tumwijukye simon

                  44:7.3 Cosmic concepts of true philosophy, the portrayal of celestial artistry, or the mortal attempt to depict the human recognition of divine beauty can never be truly satisfying if such attempted creature progression is ununified. These expressions of the divine urge within the evolving creature may be intellectually true, emotionally beautiful, and spiritually good; but the real soul of expression is absent unless these realities of truth, meanings of beauty, and values of goodness are unified in the life experience of the artisan, the scientist, or the philosopher.

                  Life’s Beauty

                  Beauty as the day begins.

                  The morning smells of what has been.

                  We pick up where we left off.

                  Much to do, life is hard fought.

                  No need to worry, if we just do

                  The things in front of us we need to.

                  Things work out no matter what.

                  Time continues, there’s no bumps.

                  Time is never e’er disturbed.

                  A steady rhythm, never curbed.

                  We’re taught no time in Paradise.

                  Time perfection must be nice.

                  But in this finite universe

                  Time exists and is observed.

                  We measure time with frequencies.

                  Atomic watches – consistency.

                  We measure time as it goes by.

                  It is one way, can’t be defied.

                  We can’t go back and then repeat.

                  We must go on through all defeat.

                  I hear the wind chimes as they ring.

                  A windy day to us You bring.

                  The winds of time also have chimes.

                  Listen to your life’s design.

                  Thank You, Father, as time goes on

                  My faith increases, I’m your son.

                  Just a pebble on the beach

                  A grain of sand, but in Your reach.

                  Paul Anderson


                  • Tumwijukye simon
                    Tumwijukye simon posted 1 images

                    5:1.6 If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s will, then, since he is so certainly and so effectively spiritually endowed by the indwelling and divine Adjuster, there cannot fail to materialize in that individual’s experience the sublime consciousness of knowing God and the supernal assurance of surviving for the purpose of finding God by the progressive experience of becoming more and more like him.


                    The beauty continues on today.

                    The sun is out and on display.

                    No moon occludes it, now, for years.

                    Experience in this life, hold dear.

                    We’re on the trip of life today.

                    Many, many, minds at play.

                    Everybody wants their way.

                    With God, we all dance our ballet.

                    If you’re aware, or if you’re not

                    God’s in charge, so throw your lot

                    In with Him, the Lord of all.

                    Look inside and hear His call.

                    The inner life is where God lives.

                    Join Him there, He is your gift.

                    A chip off of eternity.

                    He reveals true destiny.

                    Your happiness depends on you

                    And all the things you try to do.

                    Success when wills do coincide.

                    You become as you decide.

                    That’s the map of mystery.

                    It has threads through history.

                    We chart courses through its maze.

                    A trip with God, colors all the grays.

                    Thank You, Father, I am on board.

                    The TB&G goes through Your door.

                    As we decide, our fate becomes.

                    Eventually Your Will becomes.

                    Paul Anderson


                    • Tumwijukye simon
                      Tumwijukye simon

                      121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding tolerance and kindness ran counter to the long-standing attitude of the Jews toward other peoples whom they considered heathen. For generations the Jews had nourished an attitude toward the outside world which made it impossible for them to accept the Master’s teachings about the spiritual brotherhood of man. They were unwilling to share Yahweh on equal terms with the gentiles and were likewise unwilling to accept as the Son of God one who taught such new and strange doctrines.

                      Be Kind

                      The sun is out, we’ll hit 50.

                      The day before us is nifty.

                      There’s always much that can be done

                      Before the setting of the sun.

                      What to do on this fine day?

                      Too muddy for groundwork today.

                      But temps are nice, we can enjoy

                      Fresh air, with windows we employ.

                      Open up the house today.

                      Screens keep bugs and flies away.

                      we get the air, and it feels fresh.

                      We know this day we’ll find success.

                      We’re going to plan and then complete

                      A way to make this day replete.

                      Balance my activities.

                      Make life of joy for all to see.

                      Try to be of help when out.

                      Take your time and stay about

                      The Father’s Business on your route.

                      What e’er comes up, just sing don’t pout.

                      Stay upon a route that’s kind.

                      Don’t worry about falling behind.

                      Do the best in front of you!

                      And things work out when this you do.

                      Thank You, Father, for the day.

                      I’ll do my best to go Your way.

                      On my route while I’m at play,

                      Kindness will be on display!

                      Paul Anderson


                      • Tumwijukye simon
                        Tumwijukye simon posted 1 images

                        101:7.2 A philosophy of religion evolves out of a basic growth of ideas plus experimental living as both are modified by the tendency to imitate associates. The soundness of philosophic conclusions depends on keen, honest, and discriminating thinking in connection with sensitivity to meanings and accuracy of evaluation. Moral cowards never achieve high planes of philosophic thinking; it requires courage to invade new levels of experience and to attempt the exploration of unknown realms of intellectual living.


                        Still, it’s cold, but there’s no snow.

                        I’m rested well and on the go.

                        The day is young with much to do.

                        I need to always follow through.

                        There are things I need to do for self –

                        Errands for self maintenance elves.

                        They’re on the agenda for today.

                        Nothing boring in this fray.

                        Washing, shopping, should be done.

                        But I can live without ere one.

                        I could just sit the day away,

                        But sooner or later I would pay.

                        Lots to watch on the TV.

                        March madness takes much time from me.

                        YouTube is the way to go

                        To see how to do what you didn’t know.

                        Time savings when your search is right.

                        Learning helps to spread the light.

                        We benefit from experienced users

                        Who share their knowledge with YouTubers.

                        Current videos can’t be matched

                        Except when live TV’s dispatched

                        The timeliness of what’s depicted

                        Holds our interests, we’re addicted.

                        Father, thank You, tech is great.

                        The world I see, could be first rate.

                        If all agreed there’s but one God

                        And then know we all need evolve.

                        Paul Anderson