Results for "walking"


    • Monica Kemp

      Monica Kemp

      Interests: walking

      • Jeannie Vazquez

        Jeannie Vazquez

        About me: ...ter the understanding and personal practice of the divine teachings, in order that we may offer a loving service to the Father and our siblings, “walking in the clear light of living...

        • Dawn Eybs-Johnson

          Dawn Eybs-Johnson

          About me: ...Heart 4 stents, stroke which   caused major memory issues and problems walking, CVS cyclic vomiting syndrome...e these issues calls me to be hospitalized with incubation. Since then walking has become even harder and br...

          • Robert Kirabira

            Robert Kirabira

            About me: provide for her family of five children. He started hard labouring work at the early age of 9 years; carrying water on his head from wells and walking long distances of 2 miles to...