Results for "UPI"


    • ET NEWS

      ET NEWS

      About me: life and have been sent back to earth as ambassadors of the Sovereign of that new and better world. Of the teacher more is expected than of the pupil; of the master more is exact...

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

        Hope and Rescue Missions International

        About me: ...nd games in the community and beyond at large. To develop God fearing pupils for Uganda of tomorrow....s.. To develop self reliant citizen of the community through teaching pupils entrepreneurship skills and...


        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Comment on "PAPER 140 THE ORDINATION OF THE TWELVE"

          ..."the voluntary conformity of man's will to God's will." Jesus did not want simply to produce a religious man, a mortal wholly occupied with religious feelings and...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Alike short film"

            ...ster.     School went on and he was still a favored pupil, having one week each month...ut trouble was again stirred up at school when one of the more backward pupils discovered Jesus drawing a...

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            • The Strange Preacher

              Neurophysical Factors in Religious Thinking

              ...ily member. I can criticise family members all I want: X is lazy; X is stupid; X is a grasping, greedy, ly...The In-Group can comprise Family, School, Team, Company, Religious Grouping, Profession, Political Affi...

              • i Witness NEWS

                The end of capitalism has begun!

                ...thin and “despite” capitalism. As a result, once the possibility of a Soviet-style transition disappeared, the modern left became preoccupied simply with opposing things...

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                • Paul Kemp Administrator


                  ...ead rapidly. 194:4.11 And so all went well in Jerusalem until the time of the coming of the Greeks in large numbers from Alexandria. Two of the pupils of Rodan arrived in Jerusal...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    PAPER 192 APPEARANCES IN GALILEE

                    ...they tarried at Bethsaida. They were afraid to go fishing lest he come to visit them and they miss seeing him. During this entire week Jesus was occupied with the morontia creatures...

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                  Top-level pages

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      The Price of Resistance

                      ...struggle against man. The powerlessness of kindness, of senseless kindness, is the secret of its immortality. It can never be conquered. The more stupid, the more senseless, the mor...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Newfie Lake

               yells back, "Lard tunderin' my son, it's people like you that gives Newfie's a bad name, making everyone think we're stupid. If I could swim, I'd co...

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                      Wire posts

                        • Yourantiaman

                          By Yourantiaman

                          My Father
                          You were before I was born You will always be...More


                          • ET NEWS

                            UK Crop Circle 2016

                            Newly Formed Crop Circle In the UK Amazes Researchers “The massive crop circle is a humongous 300-foot figure that occupies two acres of land and features a number of mysterious symbols that according to researchers are TWENTY astrological symbols adorning its edges

                            • ET NEWS

                              UK Crop Circle 2016

                              Newly Formed Crop Circle In the UK Amazes Researchers “The massive crop circle is a humongous 300-foot figure that occupies two acres of land and features a number of mysterious symbols that according to researchers are TWENTY astrological symbols adorning its edges

                            • +32 more Photos


                              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                                Gianluca Saturno @ Butiiki Children's Ministry

                                ...che purtroppo in molti, troppi paesi del mondo, è visto come un previlegio e un lusso. Quando ho conosciuto questi bambini, sono rimasto stupito e rallegrato dal loro desid...


                              Wall posts

                                • RICHARD KATONO

                                  ...ture we will be having the strongest kids trained so let us helping them by Donating funds for them to solve some difficult issues in their badly stupidity living stuetions thanks f...

                                  • Tumwijukye simon

                                    ...nt tribes and races. Some trees were indwelt by kindly spirits; others harbored the deceptive and cruel. The Finns believed that most trees were occupied by kind spirits. The Swiss...

                                  • +3 more Wall posts



                                  • Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga
                                    • open group
                                    • 5 members

                                    Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga

                                    Naigaga Naume, kabweru Kenneth Ivan​ & Mwiri K Emmanuel ○ Children's Charity Uganda. Jesus came to save us without favor and discrimination To the lord, be the glory. God is love!
                                  • Pandemic Emergency Alerts
                                    • open group
                                    • 8 members

                                    Pandemic Emergency Alerts

                                    Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation.
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                                  • UPI Urantia Peace Initiative
                                    • open group
                                    • 1 members

                                    UPI Urantia Peace Initiative

                                    UPI Urantia Peace Initiative - Emeka Anazodo Nigeria Africa The Urantia Peace Initiative is an NGO registered with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission, with the aim of fostering unity among the diverse socio-cultural, ethnic and religious denominations of our people, and to introduce the messages of the Urantia Book to people in a non religious setting.
                                    • Emeka Anazodo

                                      Group Profile

                                      Group Profile

                                      Tags: UPI, Urantia Peace Initiative, Emeka Anazodo, Nigeria, Africa

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