Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon posted 1 items

      85:2.4&5 Ideas about tree spirits varied greatly among different tribes and races. Some trees were indwelt by kindly spirits; others harbored the deceptive and cruel. The Finns believed that most trees were occupied by kind spirits. The Swiss long mistrusted the trees, believing they contained tricky spirits. The inhabitants of India and eastern Russia regard the tree spirits as being cruel. The Patagonians still worship trees, as did the early Semites. Long after the Hebrews ceased tree worship, they continued to venerate their various deities in the groves. Except in China, there once existed a universal cult of the tree of life.
      The belief that water or precious metals beneath the earth’s surface can be detected by a wooden divining rod is a relic of the ancient tree cults. The Maypole, the Christmas tree, and the superstitious practice of rapping on wood perpetuate certain of the ancient customs of tree worship and the later-day tree cults.

      Special days bring holidays
      The time of year when we all play.
      The gift of giving brings us cheer.
      Giving lifts our spirits here!

      A day when no one e’er should fight.
      Peace should flow from morn till night.
      The birthday of our Prince of Peace.
      Someday all wars on earth will cease!

      Until that day, we must improve.
      The prides of nations we must lose.
      All for one and one for all.
      Democracies must be installed!

      One world united’s not a dream.
      We can do this, though it seems.
      The pace of progress is so slow.
      Love will win! That’s what I know!

      Love’s the force of God in action—
      His Will the source of satisfaction.
      Love fights for what’s best for all
      And writes a story that enthralls!

      Love can never make mistakes.
      And it exists, though time it takes
      To manifest and show what’s best.
      Time reveals what’s been a guess.

      Thanks You Father for Your Will.
      Your plan of action – Love instills.
      Love is how this world will be.
      Love will rule democracies!

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        You are amazing!! Put these to music!!