
    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Civilization Emerging Daniel Schmachtenberger Sense-making

      Civilization Emerging Daniel Schmachtenberger Sense-making What can we trust? Why is...he blogs on these topics at Civilization Emerging He’s also the director of Resear...

      • Jacob Godwins

        Thought provoking video by Jim Carrey | Alan Watts

        Thought provoking video by Jim Carrey | Alan Watts The Master, during the course...nity of the divine spirit. And while my Father's spirit shall ever be the divine guide...

        • Raafat Fried ABU REIDA Children Gaza

          Donating Educational Games to Children in Gaza

          Team Childhood Dreams Gaza Palestine Gaza Children Hi, and welcome...eams is a Palestinian humanitarian, nonprofit, nonpolitical team that aims to help the poor famili...

          • Raafat Fried ABU REIDA Children Gaza

            How to help Gaza's children

            Team Childhood Dreams Gaza Palestine How to help Gaza's children Hi, and a Palestinian humanitarian, nonprofit, nonpolitical team that aims to help the poor famili...

            • Billy John Waiswa

              Children skipping the rope

              Work without play makes Jack a dull boy. Our children at the orphanage having many Orphans and Vulnerable children, and helpl...Uganda is non governmental organization that helps the y...he orphans and needy children from very poor famili...

              • Billy John Waiswa

                Children sign out, Bright gives a closing dance

                Children sign out, Bright gives a closing dance    & many Orphans and Vulnerable children, and helpl...Uganda is non governmental organization that helps the y...he orphans and needy children from very poor famili...

                • Billy John Waiswa

                  Thank you for investing in our education

                  Thank you for investing in our education      & many Orphans and Vulnerable children, and helpl...Uganda is non governmental organization that helps the y...he orphans and needy children from very poor famili...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Cosmic Briefing 11A: Infinite Game Intro: U B the Way.

                    Cosmic Briefing #11A: Infinite Game Intro: U B the Way. godsgumshoe 1.94K subscriber...for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and resear...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      The Invisible Brotherhood - The Meaning of Life

                      The Invisible Brotherhood - The Meaning of Life COURSES BY ROBERT SARMAST Rober...lities. Accordingly, as soon as men and women appear on the stage of temporal action with sufficient mental capaci...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup

                        An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur...rding to Mark Weisbrot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research&md...ors, graphic designers, composers, audio engineers, writers, resear...