Donating Educational Games to Children in Gaza

Team Childhood Dreams Gaza Palestine

Gaza Children

Team Childhood Dreams Gaza

Raafat Fried Abu Reida

Hi, and welcome, I am Raafat Fried Abu Reida

Team Childhood Dreams is a Palestinian humanitarian, nonprofit, nonpolitical team that aims to help the poor families especially poor and orphans children in Gaza Strip .

كل طفل يحتاج إلى البسمة وكل طفل يحتاج لأن يشعر أن هناك من يفكر به في محنته. لذلك فقد بادرنا في شركة العنود بحملة " من طفل لطفل - رسالة محبة مع كل لعبة" حيث ج...


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Team Childhood Dreams Gaza Palestine - Gaza Children

Team Childhood Dreams Gaza Palestine - Gaza Children

Give Gaza children the gift of fun, friendship and support as they struggle to grow up under occupation and violent internal and external conflict.